Chapter 7: You

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"Thoughts on that last one, Your Majesty?"

"It's a no," you sighed. A big no.

By the Sun, your afternoon date had been painfully awkward. It had become apparent early on that you two disagreed on some rather important points, and after that, you'd made stilted small talk until the hour was up. But you supposed it could've been worse – like that mess with Seraphina Silver.

Your morning walk through the gardens hadn't been terrible, just lackluster. You'd known it, and she'd known it, and you each had known the other knew. Yet, you both had done your best to keep up a polite conversation – trying desperately to make the situation less awkward than it was.

At the end, you'd thanked her for coming and wished her a nice day – the same line you'd been giving to all the others. You were having your attendants do the hard part of telling the participants whether they would stay or leave. Outwardly, you reasoned you needed some after the dates to process how you felt before making a decision – and for some of the omegas, that was true. However, you knew it was cowardly to have your attendants deliver the bad news for you.

You'd resolved to start doing it yourself during the next round.

However, Seraphina Silver hadn't given you a choice. When the attendant arrived to escort her away, her smile had cracked – and the next thing you knew, she was sobbing, begging you to give her another chance, even though you both understood it wasn't going to work out. At that point, you'd been forced to tell her the truth, as kindly as you could. You were sending her home.

Your goal was to keep no more than half of the participants from this round, because if you didn't continue to drastically thin the pool, it would be another year before you had a consort. You'd already put off mating someone several times – for school, for mourning. You couldn't wait any longer. You were the last of your line. You needed an heir.

So far, you'd been doing a decent job of sticking to your quota. Including that last one, you'd sent fourteen omegas home. But you still had nineteen dates left.

Your attendant nodded and noted your choice on her clipboard. "Very good, ma'am. I'll have her sent home before dinner."

"Get her something to eat, at least," you murmured, slumping slightly in your desk chair. By the Sun, you were tired. Having to deal with the Choosing on top of running the country was driving you into the ground. Now you understood the benefits of holding the event while one was still the heir. Less responsibility to juggle.

"Yes, ma'am. On to your evening schedule – you have your standing meeting with the Foreign Minister in ten minutes. Afterward, the Education Minister will present suggestions for your annual school visit. Then you'll have half an hour to eat dinner before your date with Levi Ackerman."

You sighed inwardly. So much to do, so little time. It would've been nice to have at least a small break a book, or something. Sadly, you could hardly remember how to relax anymore.

"Very well. Let's get going," you grumbled while rising from your chair. Your meeting with the Foreign Minister was held in the Sapphire Room, which just so happened to be the farthest possible meeting room from your private study – and it wouldn't do to be late. If one appointment ran long, it would throw off your entire schedule, and you actually wanted to eat dinner tonight.


"Levi Ackerman, Your Majesty."

You rose from the cushioned terrace chair and put a smile on your face just as Levi walked out behind your attendant. His clothes were similar to the ones he'd worn when you two had first met – a button-up shirt and slacks that were clean but not as ornate or fashionable as what the other omegas wore. You didn't know if it was his personal preference to dress that way, or if his circumstances had chosen for him. You had to suppress a wince every time you thought about the latter, of the poverty in Ore, reminded of your failure.

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