Chapter 12: Levi

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For about the millionth time in the past two days, Levi marveled at the quality of his new clothes. There were no patches or threadbare sections to be seen, and the fabrics felt as soft as the palace bedsheets against his skin. He'd never worn anything half as nice in his entire life.

Katarina had insisted on replacing his entire wardrobe and then some. Levi might've felt bad about taking her money, but filthy rich as her family was, he knew she'd never miss it. The more difficult task was finding clothes he'd actually feel comfortable wearing, given that most stores in the shopping district of the capital city only sold the latest, most eye-catching fashions. Levi left the ostentatious stuff for Katarina, instead digging around back walls and bottom shelves until he'd scrounged together a handful of outfits that felt more...him.

Now, he wasn't quite sure what was more shocking – his fancy clothes, or Katarina's frequent and pleasant presence at his side. It felt strange to be her friend, and indeed, he still sensed a wide gap between them whenever she started going on about gossip or fashion trends or what color she should paint her nails next. Yet, he found he didn't mind her so much, and she did prove to be a useful source of information where high society and politics were concerned.

However, today, Levi was eagerly awaiting the moment when she'd scurry off to fix her hair or whatever. He wanted to speak to Armin – alone – preferably as soon as possible. He knew the boy would be affected by the news they'd received this morning at breakfast.

Annie had been sent home the night before – the queen having apparently decided after their date that things weren't going to work out. On one hand, Levi expected Armin would be relieved that Annie was officially available. On the other hand, he wasn't sure how much longer the boy would stay now that Annie was gone. While he wanted Armin to be happy, he would miss the companionship, especially when he had so few friends here at the palace.

Katarina finally departed when they announced they were heading to the library, proclaiming she'd rather practice knitting than sit around "those dusty old books". Levi resisted the urge to inform her that the place couldn't possibly be dusty when – like the rest of the palace – it was cleaned by a team of maids every day. Instead, he took the opportunity to speak with Armin privately.

He waited until they were seated at their usual table to ask quietly, "What's your plan now that Annie's gone?"

Armin blinked at Levi like he didn't understand the question. "My plan?"

Levi nodded. "Are you sticking around, or what?"

"As long as the queen wants me, I guess." The blond shrugged.

"And you're okay with that?"

Armin sighed, and his shoulders sank as if they were weighed down by boulders. "Not really. No. I mean, I don't think she will pick me in the end, but there's a chance she could. And...I don't know that I can mate someone else when I...feel this way about Annie. But what choice do I have?"

"Just ask the queen to send you home," Levi stated simply.

Armin looked up at him, wringing his fingers, hesitant. "You don't think...she'll be upset?"

"No, I don't. She's a good person. She'd want you to be happy." Levi also didn't think she was the type to force an unwilling person to participate in the Choosing and possibly mate her. If Levi had asked in the beginning, she probably would've allowed him to return home with no repercussions. Of course, he hadn't known that then, and now that he did know, he'd lost the desire to leave.

Armin was silent for a long time, his blue eyes staring at the table. Levi recognize the look in them – the look Armin got whenever he was thinking hard about something – so he gave the boy space to ponder. He turned his attention to the book he'd chosen for the day, idly skimming the pages.

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