Epilogue: You

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The pen made a soft, scratching noise against the paper as you added your notes. You'd been at this for the past hour, seated at the desk in your office, reviewing the proposed changes to Alabaster's trade agreements with its neighbors. They were mostly minor adjustments, but you wanted to ensure your nation wasn't getting the short end of the stick.

Familiar laughter carried on the breeze through your open bay windows, and a smile tugged on your lips as you glanced up. It was a beautiful day, and the mid-afternoon sun shone down upon the courtyard outside, bathing the trees and grass and flowers in its warm glow. In the middle of it all, your mother and Kuchel played croquet with your three-year-old son.

Well, the ladies were playing croquet. Kyan was simply carrying his ball while running in circles.

A knock on your door drew your attention away from the scene outside. "Enter," you called.

Pearl – your attendant for the day – poked her head inside. "Your Majesty, the Deputy Minister of the Economy is here to deliver her report. Shall I send her in?"

"Please." Your smile widened as you stood up and smoothed your clothes.

Seconds later, Katarina strode through the door, looking as confident and stylish as ever in her sleeveless column dress and high heels. She held a stack of paper in her manicured hands. "Your Majesty," she drawled with a gentle curtsey as Pearl closed the door.

Katarina had been working in your government since shortly after the Choosing. When you'd had your meeting with her hours before you proposed, Levi wasn't the only topic of conversation. Katarina had admitted her interest in politics and asked for a job, and you – aware of her aptitude – had been more than happy to grant her request.

You chuckled and stepped across the room. "Two whole months, and that's the kind of greeting I get when you return?"

Katarina grinned playfully as she straightened, then promptly threw her arms around you. "It's good to see you."

"You, too," you murmured while returning the hug. Then you stepped back and folded your hands in front of your waist. "How was your tour of the kingdom? You must tell me everything!"

"Isn't that what the report is for?" she asked cheekily while fanning herself with the stack of papers in her hand.

You rolled your eyes. "I meant all the things that aren't in your report."

Katarina gave an exaggerated sigh and tossed the papers onto your desk. "What can I say? It's summer. The north is hot. The south is hotter. And I am the hottest of all."

"You're ridiculous," you laughed while shaking your head.

Katarina shrugged and glanced around. "No Levi today?"

You bit your lip to soften your giggles while you pointed to the couch.

At the same time, Levi sat up from his nest of blankets and pillows, grumbling, "I'm right here, idiot."

"Oh, so you are. I thought you were a lumpy cushion," Katarina chirped flippantly. "My mistake."

Levi's frown deepened.

"He's been resting in here while I work," you explained.

"Ah. In need of an afternoon nap, old man?" the redhead quipped with a haughty smirk in Levi's direction.

He clicked his tongue. "You laugh now, brat, but if you ever get pregnant –"

"No, thanks," she interrupted. "Erwin and I are both too focused on our careers at the moment. We'd never have time to raise a child – and I'm not about to let the maids do it."

"You'd think the new Brigadier General wouldn't mind taking time off," Levi commented. "It's not as if there's a war to fight."

"Ah, but there are plenty of old men about to retire. Another promotion could be right around the corner, you know?" She winked at you.

You chuckled. "I'd offer to put in a good word with General Almandine, but rumor has it he's already been thoroughly charmed by your mate."

"Yeah," Katarina murmured airily while her eyes drifted to the side, and a soft smile touched her lips. "My mate is very charming."

"Unlike you," Levi uttered.

Katarina's eyes flicked to him, narrowing. "If you weren't about to pop, I'd chuck a pillow at you."

"Go ahead," your mate challenged while lobbing a square pillow across the room at her. "You couldn't hit me if you tried."

Katarina's hands fumbled with the pillow before finally grasping it just before it hit the ground. "By the Moon, you're so grumpy when you're pregnant. I can't wait for that baby to arrive. By the way, when's the little gem due?"

"Doctor Jaeger said it will be any day now," you informed her with a smile.

"Then I arrived just in time," she declared with a smile. "You can't have the baby without its future favorite aunt."

"I don't think you understand how birth works," Levi muttered, rolling his eyes.

"So grumpy." Katarina shook her head. "Anyway, I need to go get ready. Erwin's taking me out to dinner. Let me know if you have questions on my report."

She gave you each a hug – and Levi, though huffing and grumbling, returned it with poorly disguised affection. Once she was gone, he hauled himself off the couch and shuffled to your side. He still clutched the blanket around his shoulders, and you couldn't help smiling at the adorable picture.

Levi's eyes gazed out into the courtyard, tracking Kyan with his usual attentiveness. "It's a miracle your mom can keep up with him. Looks like he wore out mine already."

You glanced outside – finding Kuchel was, indeed, seated on a bench while your mother continued to chase Kyan around the courtyard. "I think she likes being a grandmother. He certainly brings out her softer side," you commented.

"Maybe once Number Two is born, she'll soften enough to get off my ass about what I wear to council meetings," Levi grumbled indignantly.

You chuckled. "I think it would take ten children to get her off that –"

Levi made an odd noise, like the wind had been knocked out of him. You stopped speaking as your eyes flicked to his face, which looked as surprised as you felt. Then your gaze fell to where his hand pressed against his stomach.

"Speaking of Number Two..." he ground out.

Your jaw dropped. "Wait...you mean it's time? Oh! Oh, this is so exciting! Mother! Kuchel!" you called out the window, a broad grin stretching your lips. "It's time!"

"Calm down," Levi grumbled while lightly smacking your arm. "Use your queenly authority and order someone to get the doctor."

"Right!" You hastened toward the door and threw it open. Your eyes immediately found Pearl, and a request to fetch Dr. Jaeger tumbled out of your mouth.

As soon as she set off, you returned to your mate and wrapped your arm around his back for support. All the while, excitement buzzed through your veins, making you feel as if you could kick off the ground and fly. Your little family was about to grow by one tiny member, and you'd get to meet them in a matter of hours.

"Oi," Levi muttered with a flat expression. "Don't look so happy while I'm suffering. It's annoying."

You tried to appear solemn, but the laugh that burst from your lips made you fail spectacularly. "Sorry, dear."

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