Chapter 9: You

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"Good morning, Levi," you greeted him with a smile as your attendant escorted him into the stables. "I thought I could show you the horses today – if that's alright."

He stepped closer to where you stood near the middle of the indoor track, his eyes darting between you and the stables that lined the walls, as if he didn't know where to look. Perhaps he was feeling overwhelmed. You did own the largest stables in the kingdom, though having grown up with the building, you were used to its size. "Yeah, that's alright," he muttered.

"Have you spent much time with horses?" you asked, even though you could tell this was very new to him.

Levi shook his head. "I've seen them around, of course, but I've never ridden them or anything."

"Well, why don't I introduce you?" You gestured toward the line of stalls on your left. "Shall we?"

Levi nodded, and you led the way to a black mare who was sticking her head out of her stall, eyeing you both curiously. "This is Obsidian," you announced, affectionately patting her nose. Her hair felt smooth and soft against your skin. "We call her Obsi for short. Go on, you can pet her."

Obsi was one of the largest mares in your stables, thanks to her breed. While omegas were expected to be petite, Levi looked almost comically small next to her. His head only came up to the bottom of her snout.

His grey eyes watched Obsi carefully while he slowly reached out, as if he were afraid she might spook or bite. However, you'd chosen Obsi specifically for her mild temperament. There could be a war going on outside, and she'd remain as calm as still waters.

Levi allowed Obsi to sniff him before placing his palm on her nose and rubbing it in gentle strokes. The mare huffed in approval and pushed her snout further into Levi's hand, encouraging him to continue. You giggled softly, finding the whole scene adorable.

"Would you like to give her a treat?" you asked.

He nodded. "What do they eat?"

"They get hay for their meals," you explained while walking to the end of the row, to a bag hanging on the wall. The stable hands always kept it full of apples to give to the horses. "For treats, they get apples or sugar cubes."

You plucked a shiny red apple from the bag and brought it back to Levi. Obsi whinnied and turned toward you, eager for her snack. You had to reach around her in order to place the apple in Levi's hand, and her large, round eyes followed the fruit as if it were hypnotic.

"Hold it out with an open palm," you told him.

Levi nodded and gingerly offered the apple to Obsi, once again appearing wary that she might bite him. However, Obsi popped the apple into her mouth without touching Levi's hand with her teeth. There was a series of loud crunches while she chewed. Then she huffed satisfactorily, and her tongue darted out to lick Levi on the head.

"Tch! Don't eat me," he gasped as he scrambled backward, wiping horse saliva out of his hair.

You giggled, once again endeared by the adorable display. "She likes you."

"Yeah, well..." Levi stopped fixing his hair and dropped his hands to his sides, his eyes drifting to meet Obsi's. His voice grew soft, and you thought you detected hints of fondness. "I guess she's not so bad either."

"Would you like to ride her?" you offered.

Levi's gaze flicked to the wall, and he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Oh. Well, I would, but...I don't know how."

"That's alright. Obsi and I can teach you." You smiled encouragingly while patting Obsi's neck. "She's extremely calm and obedient. Definitely a good horse to learn with."

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