A villain sleepover

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In the heart of Gotham City, at a hidden lair filled with colorful LEGO bricks, the Joker and Harley Quinn decided to host a sleepover for their fellow villains. The lair was adorned with playful decorations and comfy sleeping bags sprawled across the floor. Villains like Two-Face, Catwoman, and Penguin gathered for a night of wicked fun.

They all sat around the lairs 'living room' sitting on their own sleeping bags. Each one matched with the villain who sat on it. Joker had moved the couch out of the way so all the villains sleeping bags were in front of the tv. Which was playing a random Disney movie.

During the night, they shared stories of their latest schemes and adventures. Penguin and two face bickering over who pulled a greater stunt. Riddler was bragging about how smart he was, while catwoman shared of her latest robbery. Killer croc, calendar man, Pokda dot man and many of the lesser known criminals didn't say much.

Eventually as the night went on, Harley got the idea to play truth or dare. The group of villains eagerly agreed to this, for they were curious to know each other's weaknesses and vulnerabilities. So, Harley asked the first question to two face. "Dare" he stated not afraid of what it might bring.

"I dare you to prank call the GCPD!" She exclaimed giggling afterwards. All of the rest of the villains cheered two face on as he called the police and pranked them. Everyone ended up laughing afterwards when miss Barbara angrily told them to stop calling. "Alright, riddler truth or dare?" Two face asked him, riddler smiled smartly.

"Truth" he said to which two face smiled. "Are you really the smartest in this room?" He asked him to which riddler laughed. "Of course!" He exclaimed to which Two face rolled his eyes, riddler turned to penguin. "Truth or dare?" He asked him.

"Dare" he stated simply, riddler smirked. "I dare you to go to the roof and scream "I'm going to fly off into the sunset!" Then fall off the roof" he said to which penguin glared at him but got up and did it. Everyone watched as penguin yelled "IM GOING TO FLY OFF INTO THE SUNSET!" Then jump off the roof and land into the garbage below.

Everyone couldn't stop laughing after that even when they made it back inside. "Alright, catwoman...truth or dare?" Penguin asked her, taking off a banana peel from his head. "Meow, truth!" She exclaimed excitedly, penguin thought for a moment. "Did you really date bruce Wayne at one point?" He asked her, he seemed angry at having to say wanyes name.

Catwoman chuckles and nods her head, "yes, meow I did" she says simply everyone else claps for her. "Speaking of dating...anyone have any crushes? How about we go around the room!" Harley exclaimed excitedly. Some people groaned at this, while others laughed.

Catwoman smirked and played with her whip, admitting her admiration for batman, joker glared at her but didn't say anything. Two face chuckled then shared a story about a romantic encounter he had, penguin flirtatiously mentioned his attraction to high society.

Riddler rolled his eyes and stated that he's only attracted to smart people but he's never met anyone as smart as him. Scarecrow said that he never had a crush on anyone and doesn't plan on it. Harley openly admits that she once had a crush on joker but now likes Ivy.

Speaking of joker, everyone turned to him, waiting for his answer. Everyone knew about his peculiar fondness for a certain caped crusader - Batman. It was no secret that the Joker had a bizarre, twisted infatuation with his nemesis.

Jokers cheeks flushed and his smile wavered, trying to play it cool. "Oh, come on now, you know me. Crushes are for little school kids! I'm just here for the chaos and mayhem!" He exclaimed nervously smiling.

Harley smirked at her best friend and leaned closer to him. "Oh, puddin', don't be shy. We all know who you're talkin' about." She winked at the others, and they all chuckled.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, Joker attempted to change the subject. "Alright, alright, enough of this mushy stuff! Let's talk about a new heist. I've got a brilliant idea for stealing all the giant inflatable ducks from the city's pond and filling it with laughing gas!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Everyone stopped the crush talk and listened to jokers plan all forgetting about it. The night continued with laughs and plans for future schemes. When the sun began to rise the villains decided to call it for a night, all laying down in their sleeping bags.

The Joker, still slightly flustered from the truth or dare game, managed a sly grin before drifting off to sleep. Despite their chaotic intentions, he found comfort in the company of fellow villains who understood him, even if they couldn't comprehend his unusual crush.

So the morning came and all the villains woke up. Ready for another day in the crazy gotham city, committing crimes against the batman. They could do another sleepover some other night. Maybe soon joker will able to admit his feelings for batman to his friends. Only time would tell.

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