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(Hello again! This story is kinda based on bright blue eyes with Batman and joker already together and how this effects the group)

In the Batcave, tensions were running high between Batgirl and Harley Quinn. The topic of their heated debate was none other than Batman and Joker's new 'relationship'.

Harley believed that the bond between the two was a good thing, as she had witnessed Joker's misery when Batman seemed indifferent to their rivalry. On the other hand, Batgirl argued that Joker was only manipulating Batman and preventing him from focusing on his crime-fighting duties.

"No way! Mistah j would never!" Harley exclaimed angrily at her. Barbara rolled her eyes, "yeah, sure" "the same guy who manipulated you couldn't possibly manipulated someone else!" She stated matter of factly. Harley gasped in shock, "he didn't manipulate me!" "We're best buddies" she told her, glaring at her.

The verbal battle escalated, with both Batgirl and Harley firmly standing their ground, passionately defending their viewpoints. The air was charged with emotion as they exchanged barbs and counterarguments.

Suddenly, the door to the Batcave swung open, and Robin and Alfred entered the scene, catching a glimpse of the intense debate. Concern etched on their faces, they intervened to calm the situation.

"Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?" Robin asked, trying to diffuse the tension."Yeah, you both look really upset," Alfred chimed in, a gentle expression on his face.

Batgirl and Harley took a moment to catch their breath and then proceeded to explain their sides of the argument. Robin and Alfred listened attentively, taking in the different perspectives.

After hearing both sides, Robin finally spoke up. "Look, I think you both have valid points. Joker can be manipulative, but I've also seen how much happier Batman has been since he started interacting with him." Robin explained, his face serious like he tends to be during important moments.

"Yeah, it's like they bring out the best in each other," Alfred added, trying to find a balance in their opposing views. Robin and Alfred both knew of batmans feelings for Joker first and had seen the change in him and how it made him happier. So, they believed that Joker was a good influence on him, despite his criminal background.

Harley beamed, happy that they were taking her side. "See? They make each other happy!"
She exclaimed with a smug smile. Batgirl, however, was still not convinced.

"But what if it's all a ruse, and Joker is just playing with Batman's emotions to get what he wants?" Barbara asks them, her eyes filled with concerned for Batman's safety.

Before the debate could reignite, the door opened again, and Batman stepped into the room. He looked at the group curiously, sensing that something was amiss.

"What are you all talking about?" Batman inquired, a slight hint of suspicion in his voice.
Harley and Robin exchanged a quick glance, and then Robin quickly replied, "Oh, we were just discussing some potential new gadgets for your utility belt." He said smiling happily.

Batgirl hesitated for a moment, but seeing the others trying to cover up the debate, she reluctantly went along with the ruse. "Yeah, just some new gadgets. You know how it is, Batman."Barbara said, her voice serious as she nervously smiled.

Batman raised an eyebrow but decided not to press the matter. "Alright, I'll be heading out to see Joker later. Let me know if there's anything important I need to know." He told them, as he grabbed his batarangs and other gear.

With that, Batman left the room, and Batgirl couldn't help but feel disappointed. She had hoped to make him see reason, but it seemed like she had lost the argument.

After Batman was gone, Harley approached Batgirl and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I know I'm not really apart of you're little family but like you're relationship with Batman, I just want what's best for Joker" she said, smiling at Barbara kindly.

Batgirl nodded, realizing that they all cared deeply for Batman in their own unique ways. Harley and Barbara were pretty similar in a way that they both wanted what's best for their friends.

Despite their differences, they were a team, and they would continue to support each other in their quest to protect Gotham City.

And so, in the Batcave, beneath the surface of their friendly banter and bickering, a sense of camaraderie and understanding prevailed, proving that even amidst differing opinions, their bond as a crime-fighting family was unbreakable.

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