Body swap

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(Hey again! I have so many ideas now lol if yall want any again let me know!)

One sunny morning in Gotham city, Batman woke up to a strange feeling. He opened his eyes and realized that the room he was in wasn't his bedroom or the Batcave that he sometimes falls asleep in. The room was a bright green and the bed he was on was a similar color as well as purple. He groaned and got up from bed, looking around confused.

How'd he end up here? He then walked over to the dresser which had a mirror on it. He looked at his reflection and jumped in surprise. "What the heck?!" He exclaimed and realized that his voice sounded different as well. His reflection was not his own but Joker's. 'What..? How?!' He thought as he stared in disbelief. 'I'm in Joker's body? Then does that mean...oh no' he thought then quickly went to leave to find Joker. If they swapped bodies then who knows what Joker is doing in his.

Joker woke up in wanye manor inside Bruce's room. When he sat up he immediately felt off, and the bed he was laying in clearly wasn't his, his wasn't as soft. He then got up and walked to the mirror in the room, that's when he noticed his reflection was Batman's. Too stunned for a moment as he put the pieces together, he then grinned and admired his new physique. "Well, well, well.." "This will surely be a fun day" He said in amusement.

Bruce was quickly having a crisis, "I gotta stop him before he does something bad in my body!" He exclaimed as he quickly fixed his hair and makeup. Harley Quinn then skated into the room, smiling happily over at who she thought was her puddin. "Good morning, Mistah j!" She greeted him, however not Joker ignored her as he ran out the door. She turned to look out the door where he went, slightly confused on why he was in a hurry.

In the batcave, Alfred stared on in disbelief as "Batman" was running around the place, making jokes about certain things. "Master Bruce, are you feeling quite alright?" Alfred asked him, concerned. Joker giggled to himself as he walked around looking at everything, mostly an area of the cave where his own weapons and past schemes were kept. "Never better, Alfie! Now, where do you keep all the bat gadgets at?" He asked cackling. Joker wasn't too surprised by Bats being called Bruce, he figured they were the same person.

Meanwhile, back with Bruce in Joker's body, he was stopped from leaving the warehouse by a bunch of Jokers henchmen as well as other villains. They all seemed to be wondering if Joker had anything planned for today. Bruce nervously stood before them, "Uh, how about we...don't do any criminal activity today?" He suggested awkwardly. Everyone seemed a little confused by this but hey, a break was fine for them, so they all accepted their bosses choice. Batman sighed in relief, there was no way he was gonna commit a crime.

Back with Joker in the streets of Gotham he was doing nothing but causing chaos. He was placing whoopie cushions everywhere and setting up even more glitter bombs. He drew faces on all of his batarangs and threw them at walls in alleyways. Citizens were confused and perplexed by Batman's strange new behavior. Batman as Joker noticed this and immediately went to find Barbara to try and stop this.

"Babs! It's me, Batman, I'm stuck in Joker's body" "we need to stop him!" He explained to her, she crossed her arms and listened. Once he was done she laughed in his face then became serious again. "Yeah, nice try Joker" she said glaring at him. Batman became frustrated and angrily left before Barbara called the other officers on him.

Batman had enough of this, he finally decided to talk with Joker alone in a secluded area. Joker arrived of course, and Batman grimaced at the fact Joker didn't change out of his robe. (Batman's robe?) "this isn't working, we need to find a way to switch back" Batman told him seriously. Joker laughed, "Ah, you're still no fun even in my body, Bats. But you're right! Let's figure this out."

After wayyyyyy too many misadventures and Joker embarrassing Batman in many different ways. They found the cause of this issue, a magical artifact in Gotham museum. Breaking into the museum (with Batman wincing every time Joker in his body cracked open a safe and stole the money inside), they finally found it. Batman took it from its prison and turned to Joker.

"Ready to switch back?" Batman asked him, though even if he said no he would do it anyway. He needed to be his cool self again. Joker smiled brightly, "I'm more than ready, Batsy! I miss my pretty face" he replied. With a flash of light from the artifact they were back in their bodies again. Batman sighed in relief and Joker took a mirror from his pocket and looked at his reflection. "Well, that was an adventure!" Joker exclaimed, placing his mirror back in his pocket. "Keep that artifact and we can do it again sometime" He said jokingly winking at him.

Batman shook his head but placed the artifact in his belt, "Let's not" he said seriously. He Then looked down again at his robe covered self and blushed in embarrassment. Joker chuckled then waved him off, "Welp, see ya later bats!" He said as he then quickly went off back home to his warehouse. Batman watched him leave and he couldn't help but smile. The day was weirdly fun and it was interesting to see things through Jokers view. He's glad that most of the pranks he pulled as him were pretty harmless. He would have to do something about those bombs though...

(Dang this is actually shorter than I thought it would be! lol don't worry next one will most likely be longer)

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