A super delma

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(Hello again. This story was originally written for my bright blue eyes story though you don't need to read that to read this)

In the bustling streets of Gotham City, Batman was on one of his routine patrols when he stumbled upon an unexpected sight. There, in the midst of the city, stood Superman, the Man of Steel, nervously approaching none other than the Joker.

Superman had a small bundle of flowers, he held them in front of himself to give to Joker. "Joker....do you wanna go out with me?" He asked him, nervously. Jokers eyes widened in shock, he had no idea that superman liked him that way, he immediately cringed.

Batman couldn't believe his eyes. Why would Superman, the symbol of truth and justice, be asking Joker out? He watched, puzzled and admittedly a little angry, as Superman professed his feelings for the Clown Prince of Crime. "I like you a lot, Joker" "so, what do you say?" He asks him, tilting his head.

Joker chuckled awkwardly, nervously smiling back at him. "Uh, no" "I don't like you, Superman...to be honest I barely even know you" "other than the fact you're an annoying goody goody" he said trying to laugh it off, to diffuse the awkward situation. Superman shook his head, "what? No, we know each other" "I think we should be together!" He exclaimed persistently.

Unable to stand by and watch this unfold, Batman approached the scene, his cape billowing in the wind. He was prepared to give Superman a piece of his mind for causing such a disturbance, but he couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy deep down.

"Superman, what are you doing?" Batman growled, his voice gruffer than usual. "Joker is not the person you should be pursuing."
Superman turned to face Batman, seemingly unfazed by his presence. "But why not, Batman? Sure he's a villain but I think I could convince him to be good! We'd make the perfect team" Superman told him, his voice determined.

Batman couldn't believe his ears. Was Superman really suggesting that they become a crime-fighting couple? It was absurd, and he was quick to set the record straight. (Straight? 🤨) "Jokers a villain and he always will be. Even if not, he's not your type. He thrives on chaos, and that's not what you stand for," Batman retorted, trying to protect Joker from any unnecessary trouble.

Joker overheard their conversation, feeling both surprised and embarrassed that Batman was witnessing this awkward moment. He blushed a bright red as he nervously looked between the two heroes.

As Batman confronted Superman, Joker nervously approached them, thanking Batman for intervening. "It's alright, Bats. I'll handle this," Joker said, trying to regain some control over the situation. "Look, superman...I'm just not really looking for someone right now....especially not someone like you...not that I wouldn't not be with a hero! But because I mean, you live in metropolis-" he started to say but was cut off.

"I could move! Or you could, I'd be fine either way. I mean metropolis is my home but Gotham isn't that far away and it's not that bad here" he admitted, smiling happily over at Joker. "Yeah...but I wouldn't be fine. I like Gotham, this is my home and I don't think I could leave" Joker tells him, his voice soft and honest. Batman nods his head in agreement.

As Superman persisted, Batman's frustration grew, and he couldn't help but agree with Joker's stance. "Superman, it's time to back off. Joker has made it clear that he's not interested." Batman told him, glaring slightly at him. Superman looked between the two, Jokers awkward smile and Batman's intense glare.

Superman finally relented, realizing that his pursuit was futile. He gave Joker a sheepish smile before flying off, leaving the two Gotham men alone. Joker sighed in relief, turning over to face Batman. "Thanks, Batman. That was a bit too much for me," Joker admitted, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

Batman shrugged, trying to brush off the encounter. "No big deal. Superman can be a jerk sometimes." Batman told him, his voice stern. He glared into the distance, thinking about superman and how he could be.

Joker nodded in agreement before surprising Batman with a quick kiss. Flustered and caught off guard, Batman watched as Joker nervously ran off into the night. Jokers face was a bright red as he ran away, though he had a small smile on his face.

In the aftermath of the strange encounter, Batman couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was still confused by Superman's actions, but the unexpected moment with Joker had left him with a rush of adrenaline and a newfound admiration for the clownish villain.

As the Dark Knight continued his patrol through Gotham, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him and the Joker. One thing was for sure – Gotham's dynamic duo was about to face some unexpected twists and turns in their complex relationship.

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