Two for one deal

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(Hello again! Sorry for the long wait lol I had writers block again and just no motivation for writing but I should start updating again)

Inside the Joker's hideout, Joker was nervously pacing around his living room area. Harley Quinn and Posion Ivy sat on the couch and watched in bemusement as their boss and friend walked in circles.

"What's the matter, Puddin?" "It looks like you've seen a ghost!" She asked him, curiously watching him continue to pace. Joker stopped and turned to face the two women on the couch. "It's not a ghost,'s Bruce Wayne" "I think I have a crush on him" *He admitted nervously, blushing a little as he did.

Ivy raised an eyebrow at that, "Bruce Wayne? Gotham's golden boy? Why him?" She asked him, confused and curious as to why Joker liked him. Joker sighed dramatically, looking away for a second to gather his thoughts.

"He's rich and charming and he's actually really sweet" "But..." "I'm pretty sure he's Batman's roommate" He said awkwardly, nervously scratching his arm. Harley smiled a little and tilted her head. "And whys that a problem?" She asked him, he looked back at her, blushing brighter.

Realization hit Harley and she frowned, "Oh...right" she said, smiling awkwardly. He groaned in annoyance and put his clawed Lego hands over his face. "I can't decide between them!" He exclaimed in defeat. Harley and Ivy exchanged glances.

They couldn't really understand Jokers obsession with Batman. I mean, he was the reason he was sent to Arkham all the time. How could he fall for someone who was supposed to be his enemy? But either way, they did feel pity for Jokers situation.

Harley then smiled, coming up with an idea. "Well, J if you want a date with Bruce Wayne then we can help you get one!" She exclaimed proudly, her hands in the air. Ivy smiled back at Harley and nodded in agreement. Harley then smirked at Joker, "But ya gotta promise to be on your best behavior, no schemes!" She told him, seriously.

He quickly nodded and smiled brighter, "Okay! Got it" he exclaimed back, eager to see what they had in mind exactly. Ivy smiled brightly, knowing exactly what to do. "Just leave it to me" she said proudly, crossing her arms.

A few days later, thanks to Ivy's help, an announcement for a gala party was made. Bruce Wayne, of course was the guest of honor. So, Bruce showed up to celebrate. Harley and Ivy helped Joker dress up much nicer than normal, getting rid of his clown makeup to have a normal skin tone.

Joker now as Jack Napier, attended the gala, dressed in a dark purple suit tailored for him in mind. Jack walked around the party, talking with others but he was mostly looking for Bruce. He had brought orange lilies with him as a gift.

That's when he noticed Bruce Wayne standing alongside a couple other people, all chatting causally. Joker sighed nervously but then smiled confidently and walked up to them. "Mr. Wayne" he greeted then showed him the flowers. "I picked these for you.." he said softly as Bruce looked over at them. His eyes widened at the flowers, immediately recognizing them.

Bruce, pretending to not know, smiled charmingly and took the flowers from him. "Thank you, would you like to join me for a drink?" He asked him, kindly. Joker smiled brightly and nodded.

The evening went on pretty smoothly. Joker kept his manic energy and chaos down as he was too drawn by Bruce. They talked and laughed and even danced a little. As the night drew on, Bruce suggested that they went to a much quieter place. Leading them to head to Bruce's penthouse.

Joker couldn't quite believe how well this night was turning out. They sat on the balcony in Bruce's penthouse, overlooking Gotham's skyline. Bruce leaned in, his voice soft and quiet. "Ya know..I've never met anyone quite like you before"

Joker hesitated, his heart pounding as he tried to say something back. However, his mind lingered back on Batman again and he was conflicted. "Bruce...I...I like you but...I like your roommate too" he admitted nervously, holding onto the railing. Bruce was silent for a moment before saying "I don't have a roommate..?" He said confused, staring at Joker like he lost his mind.

Joker blushed and looked away, "I mean Batman.." he told him, Bruce's eyes widened a little. He had thought Joker knew his identity but he guessed he didn't. He smiled a little awkward, another long pause. "Joker...I am Batman" he admitted and Jokers eyes widened.

He then began to laugh, hysterically. He held onto the railing and almost slid down it. "Oh, that's funny! You almost got me there, Brucie.." He said chuckling in amusement but when he faced him, he realized his face was serious. Slowly realization dawned on him, he also just realized that Bruce had said his name and not Jack.

He stopped laughing and just stared at Bruce for a moment. "You're're actually Batman?" He whispered back to him, his hold on the railing tightening. Bruce nodded and Joker's mind raced. He then started to put the pieces together and it all made sense. Bruce Wayne was Batman...he felt kinda stupid for not seeing it now.

A smile crept onto his face and then it became a grin. He then leaned closer to Batman, "Heh, well, I guess that solves my problem!" He exclaimed, chuckling softly. Bruce smiled and blushed a little, rolling his eyes. "Seems it does" he said back, leaning over the railing.

(End ❤️ next chapter soon I promise lol)

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