A batfam sleepover

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(Hello again! Sorry for the late post OOP but here's another oneshot enjoy)

In the majestic Wayne Manor, Batman, Robin, Alfred, and Barbara Gordon gathered for a rare and delightful sleepover. Batman was in the batcave earlier that day to see if any crime was being committed and the whole day and night was crime free!

So, they all decided to relax for the day. Batman was actually kinda upset that there was no crime but did like the idea of hanging out with his batfamily. Finally it became the evening so the group went to Bruce's movie theater.

They made bowls of popcorn and grabbed blankets for their seats. They prepared for a romcom marathon which did excite batman for he weirdly loved the genre. They all walked to the theater and sat down.

Batman was in the middle with the blanket mostly on himself, Robin or Richard since he was out of costume sat on his right. Alfred sat on Batman's left while Barbara sat next to Alfred on his other side. Each one of them had a bowl of popcorn and some candies.

They started with a classic romcom and as the movie played the awkward convos were said between the two main characters who were clearly in love. It was a nice change of pace from their intense crime fighting nights.

During one particularly heartwarming scene in the flim, Robin couldn't help but notice that the two characters were very similar to his Padre and his relationship with the joker. With their personalities and how they saw each other to be mirrors of the two.

He smiled brightly and turned to face his padre and the others. "Hey, batman, you know, how these two are bantering kinda reminds me of you and joker!" He exclaimed excitedly, like he just made the biggest revelation.

Batman's eyes widened in disbelief and he nervously shook his head. "What? No! That's absurd. They are nothing like us!" He protested, very loudly that Barbara and Alfred turned to them.

Alfred and Barbara shared knowing glances with each other, they both saw Batman's embarrassment on what Robin was saying when he was comparing joker and him to the characters in the movie.

"Oh, Robin, I think you might be onto something" she said chuckling softly in amusement. "Indeed, master Robin, you're observation isn't without merit!" Alfred chimed in. Feeling cornered and slightly embarrassed, batman shook his head again, "well I don't see any resemblance at all!" He exclaimed crossing his arms.

Robin grinned, now sensing Batman's unease. "Come on, batman, you can't deny the similarities! the banter, the constant cat-and-mouse games, and the tension between them. It's like a slightly exaggerated version of you two!" He exclaimed pointing towards the screen.

Batman grumbled under his breath, realizing he couldn't shake off the comparison so easily. The movie did have all those things between the two characters and it was played out very similarly to how joker and Batman's lives were just a little more realistic. (Whatever movie they watching it's with real humans not legos)

Batman knew deep down that joker was an important person in his life, even if he didn't want to admit it. As the romcom marathon continues, Batman starts to pay more attention to the dynamics between the two characters. Seeing how their complex relationship was very similar to his own with joker.

Barbara and Alfred exchanged another knowing glance with each other after seeing how this observation had affected batman. He was silently watching very intently at the screen and seemed to put together things in his mind. Barbara and Alfred didn't say anything, however for they respected his privacy.

As the night wore on more romcoms were being watched by the group, them all laughing and smiling at the heartwarming moments. Even sometimes awwwing at some scenes, mostly Robin doing so. By the time the last movie credits were rolling, batman was smiling, secretly appreciating the time he was spending with his batfamily.

The sleepover at Wanye manor with the batfamily came to an end. Robin falling asleep and having to be carried to bed by batman while Barbara stays in a guest room. Batman smiles softly at the sleeping Robin and pats his sons head. Secretly appreciating robins comment on the movie, as he slowly closes the door and walking to his own room.

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