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"Are you sure about this?" I ask him nervously.

"Well I sure as hell can't live in that house anymore no matter how well she seems to be taking this. I imagine if I tried she'd cut my dick off."

I shake my head as he laughs. "Can't have that can we now?"

He parks his car and grabs his 2 duffle bags and I take his backpack. The dog runs ahead of us and up the stairs. I trust him enough to go wait at the front door which is exactly where I see him standing when we reach the second floor. I had suggested that he get a hotel room closer to his club, he hated that idea. He hates sleeping on unfamiliar beds and sheets because as he says you don't know what bodily fluids have been on those. So here we are at my apartment...that I share...with Niall and Zayne.

"Are you sure? I mean..." He presses his lips to mine cutting me off.

"It'll be fine. Open the door love."

I sigh and unlock the door opening it slowly. The two figures on the couch jump and scream as Hurley jumps on top of them.

"Oi! H you can't just surprise us like that during Cujo!" Niall screams with his hands on his knees gasping for breath.

"H." Pant. "What's wrong?" Pant. "I wasn't scared by the way." Pant. Zayne says obviously not scared.

"Well. Um...I...we...it's..."

Louis pushes the door open. "I call the left side of the bed love! Hey Z. Niall." He struts in and straight to my room leaving our two friends with their mouths hung open in the living room.

"I'm gonna go set this down." I point at the backpack and follow Louis to my room.

"TOMMO!" I hear Niall yell and his feet run against the floor. "What did I miss?"

"Ni. He's gonna be staying her a while."

"Forever." Louis wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck.

"He has a boyfriend Lou!"

Louis smirks and I blush looking at my feet.

"Ni catch up. Tommo is the boyfriend." Zayne says leaning against the wall behind him. "How bad is it? Shall we barricade the door and get the nerf guns?"

Louis laughs against my neck. "Only if you want to go two on two."

He steps around me and holds his fist out to Zayne. They fist bump and then Zayne punches his shoulder and they go running down the hallway. I vaguely hear something about video games and pizza. My smile falters when I notice Niall still standing in my room. He looks sad and hurt.

"What's wrong Ni?"

"You didn't tell me." He whispers.

I sit down on my bed and pat the spot next to me. "I didn't tell anyone. Zayne figured it out."

He sits next to me and places a hand on my knee. "You were so wrecked. The last time in the hallway by your front door...you were so lifeless Harry. I vowed then to protect you. I may have done a shit job sometimes but for the most part I think I've done alright. I carried you out of parties. I stopped you from going home with some sketchy random guys. There was Ed and Nick but you seemed into them. I just...Louis?"

I put my hand on his and he locks our fingers together. I'd always been closer to Niall then the rest. It was us against the world for the past couple of years. Especially since that moment. Niall had been the only one to see me at my weakest moment. It hadn't been Zayne or Liam that held me on my bed when I cried out for Louis. It wasn't them when I slept with Nick and cried after. It wasn't them that knew I avoided certain places because of the memories they held of Louis.

"You have protected me Ni. You've been the best best friend anyone could have. Ed and Nick...no one is Louis. No one is going to make me feel the way he does. No one is going to make my knees weak and my heart race and I don't want anyone else. It's always been Louis."

"What if he hurts you again?"

I shake my head. "Then I'll deal with it. I don't think he will and we're at a good spot. We're putting the past in the past. Moving forward. Now...I think I heard them mention pizza?"

I stand up and he rolls his eyes standing with me. "Yeah there's pizza. H. If he hurts you again I'll hit him and I won't stop."

I nod once. "Deal."

We walk out of the bedroom and into the living room. Cujo has been turned off and they are playing FIFA. Louis has his pizza crust clutched between his teeth and he mashes on the buttons. I grab it and place it on his plate as he chews and swallows the part he bit off.  I sit next to his legs on the floor and lean against him as I grab a piece of pizza. Niall collapses in the recliner with his legs dangling off.

"EAT THAT TOMMO!!" Zayne jumps up from the couch. "You SUCK! I'm AWESOME!"

Louis laughs. "Mmm best two out of three?"

"You're on!"

Niall and I watch giving our input here and there. After the second round, which Louis won, Liam was facetiming Zayne. He was not surprised to see Louis back and said Zayne owed him $50. Niall excused himself to his room most likely giving us privacy. Louis lifted me up and laid down with me on the couch. My back is against his front and I'm choosing a movie off of the DVR. I click on the notebook and smile when he groans behind me.

"You and this movie. My hopeless romantic you are." He kisses my head and rubs his fingers over my hips.

"As an aspiring author I kind of have to be a hopeless romantic don't I?"

"How's that going? You said you were writing...may I ask what about?"

I turn and smile at him. "It's a story about two people who are best friends. They love each other but it seems the world is destined to keep them apart. They're stubborn though. They keep finding their way back to each other." I run my finger down his cheek and across his lips.

"I believe I know that one." He smirks at me nipping my finger. "Does it have a happy ending?"

"Not sure yet. The romantic in me is leaning towards yes."

"You know...we were interrupted earlier. I believe we have some celebrating to do."

I smile as he rolls on top of me end then stands up. He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. He walks me to my room and kicks the door shut with his foot. He pulls my shirt over my head and pushes me to the bed.

"At least now we don't have to be quiet. Let's make a good chapter for your story."

I giggle as he crawls on top of me and kisses me roughly.

Definitely a good chapter.

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