Chapter 3

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~Still Princeton's POV ~

What i done did now ? . Prod went and got help while we all just stood there in total panic mode. Within minutes Teyana was being carried into the back of the ambulance. Thank god the was to cheap to install those cameras....

~ End OF POV ~

☆ Teyana's POV ☆

Everything was black . It was like I was in the passage way between life in death. Later i began to gain my consiousness and the pain that felt like i was being ran by a train set in. I began to hear the heavy breathing of Jay , i knew it was him because he does that when he's pissed. I opened my eyes and held my head to find a bandage had been wrapped around it ... DAMN this hurts like a bitch ! The nurse then came in to check on me , seeing that i was awake she called the Doctor.

Doctor : How are you Teyana ?

I opened my mouth but words wouldn't come out. DF !? I tried again with no luck.

Doctor : just as i suspected -

Jay : what , she cant talk or sumn ?!

Doctor : You see the way she fell down those stairs , she took a bad hit to her head and hit the part where the speech is generated -

Jay : Get on with yo point !

Im just sitting in the hospital bed looking back and forth between Doc and Jay.

Doc : she may never speak again , im sorry

Jay went on a rampage . He started flipping over tables and to top it all off he punched a big ass hole in the wall. When he's mad he's like a bull & all he sees is red.

Nurse : sir im gonna have to ask you to calm down !

He knocked her into the wall causing her to K.O instantly seconds later Jay was being tazed by police and being told : you have the right to remain silent .. blah blah blah. I couldnt do anything but sit there and watch them take the only thing i had , my brother, away from me. Tears just streamed down my face at the sight. I had to get out of here. Once everything was over and the medicine they gave me began to kick in i took out all the IVs and got up. I pulled my bangs over my head bandage and put my clothes back on making sure i had my earphones and my cell phone. Then i casually walked out with my head down, when i got in the parking lot i took off running .


~ Prod's POV ~

How could I do this to someone else ? I dont know whats wrong with me ? .. I told the guys ill holla at them later .I decided to take a walk cause this guilt was startin to nag away at my flesh. I havent heard anything about her yet . What if she broke some bones , or worst ... what if she's dead .... That was a lot of blood ... STOP PROD PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER !!! A girl running almost knocked my ass over.

Me : Ayee its called excuse me bitch !

Shs turned around with tears in her eyes , that face looked familiar ...

Me : Teyana !

She ran even faster , i caught up with her eventually and grabbed her by the arm.

Me : i just wanna talk to you

She tried to get away

Me : Im sorry

She did nothing but cry

Me : i said im sorry what we did to you was wrong on so many levels

She did nothing but stare into my eyes

Me : what you cant hear , i said im sorry

She pulled out her phone and started tying . Dafuqq she doinn ?! .. She handed me her phone ,

it simply said : I cant talk anymore ..

I looked back up at her into her hazel eyes , i saw a face so innocent , how could anyone do this to her .. oh yeah it was me .

Me : Because of me ?

She nodded .

I dont know what came over me , i found myself pulling her into a hug . I felt regret .

Me : Lemme take you home

she went to typing .

Message : I dont have one any more , my brother was arrested

Me : Well you can come stay with me I owe it to you

She gave me that nigga-you-crazy- look

Me : just stay at least until you find somewhere else -

Message : .. i guess

~ End Of POV ~

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