Chapter 11

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**Prods POV **

I woke up to the smell of waffles. I hopped up real quick! T had made us breakfast. This girl can throw down in the kitchen! Teyana went shopping with Layla while we ate. When Roc left, I resumed my Sunday routine :CLEAN UP. I dont like it when my house is dirty. I started off with my clothes. When they were done I went into T's room to get her sheets. Df?! Not only does she wake up puttin on make up, she must sleep in it too! she got make up all over my sheets. Good thing im washin them. I moved her pillows and something fell off the bed. I went to go pick it up. I lt was a book, a diary as a matter of fact. Should I read it? ... Nah. Thats personal stuff. I put it on the table until her sheets and stuff were done so i could put it back. I went in the fridge and drunk some orange juice, the only way i like to... Directly out the carton. When i looked back up T was there holdin her 'diary'.

T: Where'd you get this?

Me: From under your pillow

T: Why were you in my room !?

Me: Chill i didnt even read it!

T :oh...

Me: I was washing the sheets and it fell off the bed, by the way why do you wear sooo much make up?

T: w-what do you mean?

Me: Im just sayin you wake up put on make up and you must sleep with it on cause its all over your sheets.

T: Uhh.. I forget to.. Take it Off before i go to bed

Me: your a bad lier

T: who said i was lyin? pshh! what i gotta lie for?

Me: I dont know but you do

T: whatever , but anyways if you need me ill be doin my share of the cleanin.

Me: mhmm

I finshed up what i started and went to go play basketball with the guys. We got a game of 2 on 2 since there was four of us. Me and Roc against Ray and Prince. For a Blexican Prince got some moves , but as you know me and Roc won. We were just talkin while we cooled off.

Me: I think somethings up with T

Prince: why you say that?

Me : she wears too much make up

Ray: shes a girl, what do you expect

Roc: i agree with Ray Ray on that note.

Me: She wakes up in make up and not only that have you seen her sheets? o.0

Prince : bruh, what you doin in her sheets?

They all started laughing.

Me: come on lets be serious here im worried

Ray: you sound like a worried parent

Prince: oh my gosh Richard im really worried about her

Roc : *laughin* dont worry shes just doin what females do

Me: you would know, you got a different one every day of the week!

Roc: Speaking of that i got my Sunday special waitin for me see ya!

Ray: you betta stop for you catch something

Roc: I got this

Me : aight later man

We did our nigga handshake and peaced it .

** END OF POV **

| Teyana's POV |

I really need to work on my lyin skills.Seriously. I made up my bed and then took a hour long shower. when i got back my iPhone was lit up. i got like 6 missed calls. Who in thee actual fuck blowin up my phone like this? Its was nick.. What does he want ? He called again. I ignored it and added his number to my block list. I was scared . That boy is crazy. I was just about to call Prod, when he walked into the house. Wooh! Safe . I put on some long sleeved clothes and concealer on my face to hide the lingering hand print. I think that it was a close call with my whole diary thing so i decided to hide it under the bathroom sink. Then I went out into the living room and played video games with prodigy. Then there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood Roc. His eyes were blood shot red, almost like.. like he was crying.

Roc: Prod home?

Me: yea come in

I let him in.

Prod: Wassup Roc

Roc: Lemme holla at you for minute

Prod : alright.

I hope everythings ok, ive known Roc long enough to know that he doesnt cry for every little thing. 20 minutes later he came out the room and went into the other guess room. Prod has enough room in his house for everybody. I made dinner like i usually did. I went into Roc's room and he was silently bawling his eyes.

Me: Roc, Dinners ready

Roc: Im not hungry

I closed the door and sat next to him.

Me: what happened?

Roc: What i look like telling you ?

Me: you'll look like you tellin me whats wrong

Roc: I dont have time to be playin with you right now

He started getting serious.

Me: Well don't

Roc: My dad..

Me: Im listenin

Roc : It all started when i was little. My da- My biological parent . Hit my mom. When i was 5 she got fed up and finally left. Now he's back saying that he's a changed man.Trying to be a father for the first time and shit. And you know what my mom did?

Me : W-

Roc: She believed him! and he wanna get mad cause i wont let him be my father?! Bullshit !

I put his head on my shoulder and he just cried. I just held him.

Roc: Let me go!

Me: Its okay R-

Roc: No its not ok T! People walking around here like this shits ok! And its not ! Then you all in my face pattin me up like -

Me: Like what ?! Like what Roc!?

He got quiet

Me : Like I care!?

Still silent.

Me: Because if you haven't realized that i care by now you must be out ya cotten pickin mind boy! .. Oh but you to busy out there fuckin BITCHES ! that you don't even realize who cares ! Well heres your wake up call' Roc ' ! Them bitches only see you as a quickie on legs that dont care nun bout you. So dont tell ME i dont care... Now if you dont wanna eat now ill put yo plate in the microwave. Now you have a good night.




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