Chapter 26

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~ Teyana's POV ~

Its getting dark out, I better pull over somewhere. I found a nearby Hilton Hotel. I got a room to myself. My head is killing me ! Maybe because its being jammed with so many thoughts. I went through one of my bags for bed clothes. Then into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Who is that ? Who is that monster looking back at me? Her face swollen, body bruised, and tears in her eyes? Oh yeah, I forgot . Thats Me. Im that monster looking at my reflection. UGH! I ran a bath and just soaked. The first time ive relaxed all day.



I cant sleep ! I miss her like crazy. We can't find her anywhere ! I hope she and the baby are okay , she had her phone off all day! I didn't mean to fly off the handle at her, I really didn't ! I was shocked , I dont think im ready to raise a child... I sat in our bed And stared at the ceiling thinkin where could she be. Its late maybe she checked into a hotel or somethin. I picked up my phone and called every hotel not too far out. I know shes picky about where she sleeps. I came across a Hilton in the phone book.

?? : Hilton Hotel Jimmy Speaking , how may I help you?

Me : Good Evening My Wife told me she checked into a hotel for the night , but im not sure which one. Can you help me out ?

Jimmy : Sure can I have her name ?

Me : Teyana King

Jimmy : One second ... Uhh Yes sir She checked in a few hours ago , she's on the second in floor Room 5D -

I hung up, threw on a black T and some J's, hopped in my car and drove to the Hilton. I rushed towards the elevator but it was takin too long so I ran to the staircase. Once I reached the second floor I skimmed the doors for 5D. My eyes landed on the golden letters. I knocked on the door and she opened it. She was wearing the shorts that she had on when we first kissed. Brings back memories... What the hell happened to her !?

Me : T wha-

T : Teyana

I see this isnt gonna go as planned.

Me : Who did this to you ?!

T : Oh goodie ! Now you care ! Why don't you come in ?

She mocked while putting on the most sarcastic smile ive ever seen. I went in.

Me : T-

T : Tey-

Me : TEYANA ! I was wrong , I admit that , i shouldve listened to you ! Im sorry , You dont have to talk to me now if you dont want to or ever ! B-But please come home .. We miss you.

T : You think you can waltz yo yellow ass in here and apologize AGAIN !? After all the shit Ive had to put up with, you think you can win me back by saying sorry !?

Me : No that wasnt the plan at all -

T : Then why are you here ?! Im tired I wanna go to bed

Me : I was gonna wait till gradution day but I cant

T : Roc what are -

I got down On one knee and pulled the ring out of my pocket.

Me : T Ever since we kissed that day,You were the number one topic on my mind. There was no way I could dodge my feelings for you, no matter how hard I tried. If I ever lost you not only would that be the day I lose mind but that would be the day you take my heart with you. I want our baby to have something we didn't a real family. Teyana King I love you will You marry me ?

T : I - I dont know what to say..

She was tearing up

Me : Say yes

T : Okay . Ill do it .Yes Roc Ill marry y-

Before she could get the last words out I grabbed her and crashed our lips together. Im The happiest man alive ! I got her back ! ... But trust me I didn't forget about these bruises on her. This time it will be handled the right way..





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