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"Jake, no way can you rizz her up!"

Jake listened to one of his best buddies, Drew, as they stood by their lockers. Liam and Henry had already made their way to P.E. to get the football before anyone else could.

"Who said anything about rizzing?.."

Jake shut his locker, smirking as he leant against it.

"I plan to flirt with her, alone."

Drew facepalmed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Jake, what are you gonna do."

"Oh, I'll tell you, if you help me."

"Eh, why not you've always helped me: I'm in."

Jake grinned mischievously, removing himself from his locker wall and approaching his best friend, who he whispered his plans into his ear.
Drew looked confused, and even surprised at some points, but in the end, he grinned, nodding.

"Oh Austin won't be able to resist that.."

"You bet it."


All the students had been playing, and learning, P.E. all day. Some did basketball, like Hailey, Daisy, Sadie, Rebecca, Milly and Elliot; some did baseball, including Zander, Sean, Alice, Henry; some did football like Luke, Justin, Jake, Drew and Liam.

Everyone had been sweating due to the bare heat outside, thankfully the school had a table with bottles in ice boxes, so they could have fresh, cold drinks.

Everyone was getting changed in the changing rooms at the moment, and, seeing as it was lunch, some rushed out to get a good table.
Though, suddenly, Rebecca rushed in and called out that there was a food truck, practically all of the students ran to go see where it was, hoping it'd have some good food!

Hailey wasn't one of those, she wasn't a massive fan of taking food from random companies that she didn't see proof from.. guess it's a survival instinct?

What she didn't expect, though, was to be halfway through changing after taking a quick shower to get rid of all the sweat and grime, for Jake Sterling to wrap his arms around her from behind.

How.. did he get in here?!

"Did I startle you princess?~"

Ugh, that tone. Hailey wanted to hate it, but this was THE Jake Sterling we're talking about here. His arms were literally around her, all she has on is her black jeans and her pink sports bra on.. god, he could've at least let her put her shirt on right?

Guess not.

"Why, are you in here!"

Hailey demanded an answer as she turned her head over her shoulder to look at him, meanwhile the blonde just smirked.
He ran his fingers up and down her bare sides in an attempt to tease her, which seemed to work a little as her body reacted and squirmed.

"Can't a guy come see a gorgeous girl?"

"NOT in the girls changing room!"

"Well, no one else is going to complain.. are they?"

Hailey looked to the ground, her eyes widening in realisation. He probably set this up, Drew could've hired a food truck and bought off Rebecca for saying it'd come!

Hailey used the strength in her body to turn around, though Jake used this to his advantage and guided her over to the wall. Hailey's eyes widened with a burning look of hatred, she was furious! How dare he just.. do THIS to her!

Jake held her with one arm, his other hand reaching for her chin and guiding it upwards to look him in the eyes. The teal-haired female's eyes widened drastically, he was so forward.. no- nothing.

It wasn't like he was forcing her, though.

His lips had connected slowly and softly enough to allow her to separate or even push him away if she wanted to, the arm that was holding her was only holding her close, not holding her captive.

For the first kiss, she didn't know whether or not to kiss back or separate.. but it was over way too soon.

The blonde-peach rose his hand from her chin into her hair, gently caressing her roots. He leaned his face closer to her ear as he spoke:

"Listen here, princess..

You can push me away right now and I'll leave you alone, or.. we can continue this in the shower stall, up to you what we do~"

Hailey's breath felt like it had been taken away, her tongue tied and her feelings muddled.

She laid her hands on his chest, but they ventured lower to his abdomen. She held them there as she stayed quiet, looking down to the side.
Jake gently rose her head again, leaning his lips to her nose before giving it a gentle kiss.

"Hailey Austin, do I have your permission to treasure you in kisses.."

Hailey couldn't lower her head now, she had to look into his eyes, unable to look away.

"Y..You do, Sterling."

Jake grinned to himself before lowering his hands to her waist, his lips running down to hers and capturing them. The girl's breathing picked up as she felt the kiss get rougher, not wasting any time in returning it.
The blonde-peach lowered his hands to her behind, grabbing her by the back of her thighs and raising them to his hips. He laid her hips on top of them, allowing her to cross them behind his back.
The girl did as much, gasping in the kiss as he carried her over to one of the stalls and shoved both of them inside, closing it behind them and locking it in case anyone came inside.

He really hoped no one would, otherwise they might have to stop.. and he'd hate that.

Though, both their bodies shook upon hearing the door leading into the room open.

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