You Splashed Your Wine Into Me

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Dianna looked over at the clock on her bedside table. It was almost midnight. She had been on the phone with Taylor for at least two hours, she thought. After they both hung up, Dianna just layed there staring at her ceiling. They had talked about so much. She couldn't even remember everything they covered. They definitely talked about their love for things that felt old and historical. She told Taylor about her love for poetry and storytelling and how she admired Taylor's music for seeming to tell some beautiful stories. They both talked about how they love sad songs most of all. Dianna told Taylor about her weird obsession with cemeteries and surprisingly Taylor seemed unbothered by it. Unfortunately, they didn't make plans to meet up before the pre-Oscar's party, but that was okay because the party was only in two days. Dianna fell asleep more peacefully than she was expecting to that night, after having read the text from Lea earlier.

After Dianna ended the call, saying she should probably go to sleep since she had work in the morning, Taylor wasn't sure what to do with herself. She was feeling excited and nervous, and she knew it was because Dianna was flirting with her as much as she was flirting with Dianna. I mean, the two of them barely knew each other and they just spent two hours talking on the phone about stuff you really only talk about if you are trying to date and get to know someone. She thought that maybe Dianna is like this with everyone and she should not read into it too much.

Of course, Taylor couldn't get to sleep, still reeling from her conversation on the phone so she started writing.

I know that you like me
And it's kind of frightening

She didn't get very far with the song except that first verse, but she did get to the chorus, and she ended up really liking what she wrote.

'Cause you could be the one that I love
I could be the one that you dream of
Message in a bottle is all I can do
Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you (it gets to you)
You could be the one that I keep, and I
Could be the reason you can't sleep at night (you can't sleep at night)
Message in a bottle is all I can do (yeah, yeah)
Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you (yeah, yeah)

She felt a little silly writing a song like this about a woman she does not really know at all, but she was enjoying feeling creative, so she stopped writing and singing and smiled to herself. As she got ready for bed, in her head, she kept replaying her earlier conversation with Dianna and the song she wrote, and Taylor felt fluttery as she smiled and hummed to herself before she ultimately fell asleep.

It was the day of the pre-Oscars party and Taylor had invited Claire, Ashley, and Selena over to help her get ready and keep her company.

She ended up wearing a dress that almost looked like a T-shirt and looked in the mirror, not really feeling herself. She realized she was probably nervous to see Dianna after only meeting one time and after the random conversation they had together on the phone.

Taylor turned to Ashley. "Dianna Agron said she is going to be at the party tonight."

"Oh yeah! She told me. You too should definitely hangout. I think you would get along really well."

Taylor smiled, hoping she was playing it somewhat cool. "I think we are going to try to meet up at the party tonight."

"She's one of the actresses in Glee, right?" Asked Selena from the other side of the room.

Claire replied for both Taylor and Ashley. "Yes and she is absolutely stunning. I'm honestly surprised she's not the lead. Ashley, I honestly am so jealous you are so close with her. I love her character, and she seems like such a sweet person in real life."

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