How Could You Do This, Babe?

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Dianna had called Taylor before she went out and now her and Naya were in the car, headed to the club. She was glad she had Naya on this work trip because she just needed a friend who understood her and she could have fun with.

At the club, Dianna and Naya danced and had a few drinks and were mostly just having a good time. Dianna was thinking about how much she wished Taylor was with them right now. She wanted to party it up at the club with Taylor too.

As they exited the club, Dianna took Naya's hand, always being affectionate with her friends. She couldn't really help herself. Physical touch was one way she showed love to people she cared about. As they left the club, there were paparazzi waiting to snap pictures of them. Dianna and Naya did their best to avoid the paparazzi but still knew there would be some article about them at the club. Dianna was honestly surprised there was still this much paparazzi without Taylor around.

The next night, after work, instead of going to the club, Dianna was sitting in Naya's room. Dianna was scrolling on her phone and then got a text from Taylor.

Taylor had sent a link to an article about her and Naya out at the club and Taylor had followed the link with question marks.

Dianna moved from where she was sitting on the chair and went to sit next to Naya on the bed to show her the link Taylor had just sent over.

Naya took Dianna's phone and laughed at the photo of her and Dianna. "We kind of look like a couple."

Dianna looked at the photo again. "I guess we do. Damn. We're a hot couple."

Dianna took her phone back from Naya and set it on the bed next to her and her and Naya sat in comfortable silence for a bit—at least, Dianna found it comforting.

"Anyone would be lucky to date you, Dianna."

Dianna blushed at the compliment and Naya continued.

"I'm being serious. You are smart, classy, and insanely sexy. I would totally date you."

Dianna was a little worried about where this conversation was going but she was enjoying Naya's compliments. They were definitely making her feel good in this moment.

"Thank you, Naya. That's sweet. I feel the same way about you."

Before Dianna knew it, Naya's lips were on hers and Dianna immediately pulled away.

Dianna spoke softly now, trying not to react too much. "Naya, you know I'm in a relationship, right?"

"I mean, I didn't think it was that serious," replied Naya. "I've talked to Lea a bit and she doesn't seem to think it is serious at all."

Dianna was upset now. "Well it is serious. Very serious. I love her and please don't believe anything Lea says about me or Taylor anymore. She is just jealous, even though she is the one who left me."

Naya looked a little scared by Dianna's sudden anger and Dianna felt bad, realizing Naya really was just naive in this situation.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that or offend you. I'm just genuinely not interested in anyone else. I am in a wonderful, monogamous relationship and I honestly think I should leave you and call her now."

"I understand. I'm sorry, Di. I am a little drunk, but I still stand by what I said," replied Naya. "If you weren't in a relationship and also wanted this, I would jump your bones right now. Honestly, you being so loyal makes you even sexier."

Dianna stood up off the bed, picked up her phone, and looked at Naya. "Thank you, Naya, but I really should go now."

"Totally get it. Hopefully my horniness didn't ruin our friendship."

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