We Were In Paris

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Taylor had been spending some time, getting to know her new friend, Harry, and they were both really enjoying each other's company. They were able to bond over their shared experience of being queer in the mainstream music industry that tried to silence queer voices and artists. Now seated together at a restaurant, while paparazzi swarmed outside, they shared stories and enjoyed each other's company.

"So tell me about Dianna," Harry said. "How long have you been together? She's an actress on Glee, right?"

Of course Harry knew about Glee.

"She is. She is. She's amazing, Harry. We've been dating for a while now actually. Less than a year, but it has been a lot longer than any of my previous relationships. I hope you actually get to meet her. I think you might get along well."

"Oh I'm sure we will," replied Harry. "She's overseas filming right now?"

"Yeah. She is. It's for a film called The Family. What about you though? What is Nick like?"

"Oh. He's great too, but it's really not that serious," replied Harry. "Your relationship sounds pretty real at least."

Taylor smiled politely back at her friend.

"It definitely is," she said.

"Hey, Tay," Dianna said over the phone to Taylor.

"Hey, love. What's up?"

"Same as usual. Lots and lots of filming. What about you?"

"I'm getting excited for the album release," replied Taylor. "I have also been getting to know Harry better, and trust me, Dianna. It's not like that. We've just become really good friends."

"I trust you, baby. I actually wanted to call you because I need you to trust me on something."

"What is it?" asked Taylor.

"Naya is planning to come visit me at the end of September before you come here in October. I just want you to know, because I don't want it to be a surprise for you."

"Oh. Okay," said Taylor. "What are you guys going to do?"

"We will probably just explore, Tay. You know that Naya is just my friend, right?"

"I know. But I also know she's attracted to you. I trust you, Dianna, but I am not sure I trust her. I'm sorry."

"Taylor, I have no plans to cheat on you. You know that. Also, I'm an adult, and I want to see my friend."

"I know," Taylor replied softly.

"You know I want to see you too, Taylor, and I am very happy I will get to in a few weeks."

"Me too," replied Taylor. "And I am sorry for acting this way, Dianna. I definitely need to figure out how to be more mature. I doubt you would be this jealous."

"Taylor, that's definitely a lie. I would be extremely jealous too. I understand where you are coming from, but please trust me, baby."

"Okay. Okay. I know. I'm sorry. I just wish I was seeing you sooner and not Naya."

"I know, love," replied Dianna. "But soon!"

Taylor was now in Paris to shoot her music video for Begin Again. Both her and Dianna were now filming in Paris, and they spent their free time together.

It was now October 4th, and Taylor was planning on returning to LA tomorrow. Taylor was sharing music she had recently written with Dianna, telling her she was planning on putting it on her next album.

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