Your Heartbeat on The High Line

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Dianna woke up to find Taylor still sleeping next to her. She felt so insanely happy. She wrapped her arms around Taylor and cozied up to her sleeping girlfriend.

"Mmm," Taylor said, reaching her hand up to grab Dianna's arm. "Good morning, beautiful."

Good morning to you, sleeping beauty," said Dianna. "How did you sleep?"

"Better than I have been sleeping for the last week. I really missed you, Di. I am sorry I was so stubborn. I really need to work on my jealousy."

"It's okay, Tay. I'm just glad you didn't shut me out for any longer. If there's anything I can do to reassure you in the future so you don't feel like this again, please let me know. I absolutely hated feeling helpless."

"No. Trust me. It's not you. There is a reason our friends took your side," said Taylor. "This is something I need to work on. I think I'm just really insecure."

Dianna leaned down to kiss Taylor's forehead.

"I know I've already said it, but I love you so much Taylor. I hope you don't feel insecure in this relationship. I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

Taylor rubbed Dianna's arm.

"I know, baby, and I believe you."

Dianna leaned down to kiss Taylor's forehead again.

"What do you want to do today?" asked Dianna.

"I think I want to stay in bed with you all day."

"Mmm me too."

It was now June and Taylor was secretly in New York City with Dianna again. Dianna had been keeping really busy this June with hosting the GLAAD awards, having to go on PR dates, and now attending a Coach party at The High Line.

The Coach party was long over, but Taylor and Dianna were sitting together on The High Line. It was extremely late at night and they were both pretty drunk and giggly. They were also getting philosophical.

"Do you ever think about how one choice you made could have led you somewhere different?" asked Taylor.

Dianna laughed at her and Taylor slapped her arm.

"I'm being serious, Dianna. Like what if we never met? What if I didn't go to the Flea Market with Ashley that one day back in September and develop an unhealthy obsession with you? Do you still think we would be together?"

Dianna thought about Taylor's question for a bit.

"I don't think we can know for sure, but I don't really want to imagine a world where I don't know you, Taylor. I guess we're just all mad here."

Taylor leaned over to hug Dianna.

"I don't want to imagine that either," said Taylor, and then she kissed Dianna.

Dianna kissed her back and the two women fell backwards onto the ground. They started laughing hysterically, even though it wasn't that funny.

"I think we are too drunk for this," said Dianna.

"I agree," replied Taylor. "Should we go back to the hotel?"

"I honestly don't know if we'll be able to make it, babe, but it sounds like a fun journey."

Taylor laughed. "I love you. My adventurous queen."

They stumbled getting up, and then they stumbled as they walked to make their way back to where they were staying. It was a little scary in the city at night on the streets, but they were honestly too drunk and in love to notice or care. People were catcalling them, but they just kept walking, holding hands, stopping to dance, and feeling on top of the world.

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