It's Been Occurring To Me, I'd Like To Hangout With You For My Whole Life

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After their surprisingly romantic trip to Hyannis Port, Taylor and Dianna were now spending some time apart for work. They had been with each other a few times since their trip, but work had gotten really busy for both of them. However, they had both been supporting each other from afar.

Taylor had seen an interview Dianna had given where she said she would go on the road with Taylor and carry her bags if acting doesn't work out. Taylor had called her after watching that interview.

"How's everything been going, babe? I miss you so much," Taylor said, now on the phone with Dianna.

"I miss you too. Are you calling me because of that interview, Taylor?" asked Dianna. "I know I probably shouldn't have said that."

"No it's okay, Di, but I do need to let you know something."

"Is everything okay?"

"It is. It really is. And I really do miss you, and I honestly don't know if you are going to like what I have to say. But I would rather have this conversation in person."

"Okay," Dianna said, trailing off. "Everything is okay between us, right?"

Taylor paused, not sure how to continue.

"Yes, from my end, everything is definitely okay. Can I see you before you go film for your movie?" asked Taylor.

"I would love to see you, Tay. You don't plan on breaking up with me though, do you?" Dianna asked, a little worried by the way Taylor was talking to her.

"No, Di. I definitely don't plan on doing that. But when would you be able to visit me in Nashville? I could also come to you if that works better."

"I can be in Nashville by tomorrow, baby. I really miss you, so the sooner I can see you, the better."

Taylor smiled on the other end of the phone and spoke in a singsong voice.

"I would love that. I'm excited to see you, Di."

Dianna was now in Nashville with Taylor at her house and they were sitting on Taylor's patio. It was the evening and they were drinking rosé.

"Okay, Tay. I think you can finally tell me what I flew here for. I mean, I love an excuse to come see you, but you have me worried from how you were talking on the phone."

Taylor looked at Dianna, not sure how she should break the news to her. It all felt kind of gross.

"I am going to start publicly dating Conor in a few days," said Taylor.

"Okay..." replied Dianna. "Your team wasn't satisfied with the paparazzi photos?"

"Well they liked those," said Taylor. "But they think it would not make any sense if those were the only things we did. When he turns 18, they are going to put out a news article."

Dianna sat and thought about what Taylor was saying for a little bit.

"Okay. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about this," said Dianna. "Are you going to be going on dates with him?"

"We will probably have to, love," said Taylor. "Otherwise it won't really make any sense."

"Ok yeah I understand that, but I don't know Taylor, this is all just starting to feel gross and unnecessary."

Taylor was feeling kind of hurt and baffled by Dianna's reaction to the news. She thought Dianna would be more supportive, since it was their relationship that Taylor was trying to protect.

"What?" asked Taylor. "It's no different than you dating that director, Henry."

"We went on two dates, Taylor, and you and I both have good working relationships with Henry. You are going to be claiming to be in a relationship with Conor Kennedy."

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