⨳ 29

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The entire school was in an uproar

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The entire school was in an uproar. The year was ending and the awaited field day was in preparation.

Yuzhuo's head was starting to spin as she looked at the yearly budget of the school this year. “Okay, I get healthy lunches and all, but $6,000 on mushrooms alone?”.

She was completely appalled, and mushrooms of all things? She hated mushrooms.

Jaemin chuckled, shaking his head. “The school paid at least 3 million in compensation to the dead students' families.”, Yuzhuo choked on air.

“But that's a reasonable use of money. I certainly would expect compensation if my child was murdered. Though, this is a slaughter house if you think about it.”, Yuzhuo shrugs.

Chenle groaned, rubbing his temples. “I don't understand, why can't it just be a huge game of hide and seek. Must it be so complicated?”, he complained.

Curious, Yuzhuo stood up, walking towards him. Leaning over his shoulder, she rested her chin on him, staring at his computer screen.

“What is it?”, she asked as he leaned back, pecking her cheek. “Hi.”, he smiled as she smiled back.

“Joy sent me the games for field day to organize. She just made hide and seek more complicated than it had to be.”, he frowned his brows furrowed.

Yuzhuo chuckled, shaking her head as she ran her fingers through his hair. “You'll figure it out, you're the smartest man I know, you'll get it eventually.”, she smiled.

Chenle closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her fingers through his hair, it was relaxing.

A gag was heard as Renjun walked in with Haechan, the latter having his share of daily teasing. “We get it, you're a couple. No need to rub it in my single ass over here.”, Haechan grumbled.

Renjun rolled his eyes, dropping a stack of documents on Chenle's desk.

“Mr. Lee wanted me to drop these off. Since over half of us are graduating this year, we'll need to elect a new student council. It'll just be you, Yuzhuo and Jisung, Prez.”.

Yuzhuo frowned, standing up straight at Renjun's words. “I completely forgot you guys were third years...”, she sighed.

Jaemin looks up, leaning back in his seat. “You'll miss us, won't you~”, he teased, but Yuzhuo pouted, seemingly upset.

“Of course! I feel like I was just starting to get to know you guys, yknow, more deeply... but now you're leaving in a few weeks and Ill be stuck here for two more years.”, she sighed.

Haechan smiled, patting her head. “Hey, maybe we could sneak in once in awhile. I know some shortcuts through the forest.”, he winked.

Yuzhuo chuckles, Renjun lightly smacking the back of his head. “That won't work, idiot. The forest is a maze. The only way in and out is the long pathway that is heavily guarded.”, he pointed out.

“Anyways, what Haechan is trying to say, is we'll figure it out.”, Jeno chimed in, entering the room.

“Besides, we're only a call away.”, Jeno smiled, reassuring her.

“Yeah, I suppose you're right.”, she nodded, smiling.

Yuzhuo stared intensely across the library, smirking. “I knew it, I fucking knew it.”, she giggled, nudging Jisung who decided to join her after class.

“What?”, he furrowed his brows, following Yuzhuo's finger as it pointed at a scene just meters away.

Jisung blinked, taken aback by the sight. “They obviously look like they're dating, right? I can't be the only one thinking that.”, she smiled.

Jisung shrugged, closing his book. “This isn't an unusual thing. I mean, Mark hyung has always been popular with the girls...”, he pointed out.

Yuzhuo shook her head, smirking. “But this is Mark we're talking about, my brother. He has a huge crush on Jennie. I bet you he's put the moves on her.”, she giggled again.

Jisung shook his head, smiling slightly. “I guess that explains why they are sitting so close to each other, grinning from ear to ear, probably about one of hyung's stupid jokes again.”, he shrugged.

“I'm going in. You copy, Ji?”, Yuzhuo stood up, approaching the two.

“Copy...?”, Jisung answered, pouting slightly in confusion.

With her hands on her hips, Yuzhuo stared down at the couple engrossed in a fairytale from the kid's section.

She cleared her throat, the two flinching. “Lee Minhyung. An explanation, please? And don't lie to me or else I'll kick your ass.”.

Mark chuckled nervously, glancing up at his little sister. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead as he gulped. “Look, it sorta just happened-”, Jennie sighed.

“We're dating.”.

Yuzhuo squealed, earning a loud shush from the librarian. She quickly apologized before grabbing her brother's shoulders, shaking him violently.

“When? How? Where? Give me all the details!!! And don't you dare skip any!”, she stared at him intensely.

Mark immediately began to talk, spilling everything that had conspired within the last month, eventually leading to them confessing to each other a week prior to this very moment.

“I knew this would happen! I've been rooting for this since forever!”, Yuzhuo cheered, smiling widely.

“No more awkward interactions and very obvious blushing at mere eye-contact.”, she giggled.

Mark and Jennie were flushed, clearly embarrassed by themselves.

“Did we really?”, Jennie asked, earning a firm nod from her roommate. “Totally. It was adorable.”.

Jennie groaned, hiding her face in Mark's shoulder. “This is so embarrassing...”, she groaned.

Mark chuckles, running his fingers through her hair. “It definitely could've been worse. I can already hear Hyuck's sobs...”, he grimaced.

“Markhyuck has sunk, taken down by Mannie.”, Yuzhuo sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

“What the fuck is Mannie?”, Mark frowned as Jennie snorted.

“You can't expect me to accept such a ship name, it's shit!”, Jennie laughed as Yuzhuo crossed her arms.

“Can you come up with a better one?”, she raised a brow, immediately shutting her up.

“I... yknow, Mannie is nice... very nice, Zhuo.”, she smiled, nodding vigorously.

Yuzhuo smirked victoriously, a menacing glint in her eyes.

“Yeah, that's what I thought.”.

Just a filler- but the final stretch of the story is about to begin-

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Just a filler- but the final stretch of the story is about to begin-

I can already sense the tears and extreme rage (pls don't kill me for this T-T)

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