Chapter 2

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

So for Gojira's voice actress I was thinking I'd go with is Elizabeth Maxwell who voiced as Ymir from Attack on Titan Dub if anyone was curious as to how Gojira sounds like when she talks. Given Ymir's personality is almost similar to Gojira and the voice fits with how young the mc. I considered using Laura Bailey who voiced Tier Halibel from Bleach or Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist but the mc would sound way too much of a full grown woman.

You are welcome to imagine Gojira's voice as either of the two. IMO, she'll probably sound like Laura Bailey around volume 4 or 7 when she's older.

It's been decided that the pairing shall remain as Futa MC and Ruby and there have been no other votes other than a few people saying it should stay as it is and I appreciate it. So from here on out it will only be Gojira Serizawa x Ruby Rose.


The airships descended down on the pier-like skyports. Once settled, a downward-hinged exit ramp mates directly onto the pier structure, allowing everyone on board to walk out, greeted by the entrance of Beacon Academy.

Rushing out first is "Vomit-Boy" who finds the nearest trash can to pukes out his guts.

Exiting alongside one another are Gojira, Ruby, and Yang; the Kaiju Girl growing at Yang. "Touch my tail and I'll rip that hair of yours off your scalp."

Yang growls angrily with Ruby gulping nervously at her sister about to activate her Semblance. No one screws with the hair. You must have some serious gall to even consider such a horrible idea.

Did Gojira have a Death Wish or something?

"Fucking try it and I'll kick your ass back to the Stone Age, Lizard Girl!" Yang warned.

Gojira and Yang bash their foreheads against one another once more, ready to throw hands and fight to the death.

Ruby the only voice of reason shoves the two apart by getting in between. "Enough! You two are acting ridiculous!" And people called her childish.

"She started it!" The two older girls pointed at each other angrily.

Ruby pinches the bridge of her nose. See? She opens her eyes and takes in the scenery before her. "Wow."

Snapping out of their pissing contest, both Gojira and Yang look to where Ruby is awing at and looks share her expression

"Gaia." Gojira whispered. Seeing Beacon Academy and hearing it are two distinct different things. Seeing it with her own eyes is amazing.

A long, wide avenue leads up to what is the academy itself. Giving way to the large main doorway, to open up and reveal to everyone a large amphitheater surrounded by double ring of colonnades bisected by the main avenue with the outer ring rising high over the main entrance to the academy itself. The avenue is adorned with trees and flag-draped light poles, and numbers of other aqueduct-like features and archways.

"The view from Vale's got nothing on this!" Yang complimented, smiling wide and forgetting her angrier about earlier

Ruby out of the three is the most excited. Suddenly she morphs into a Chibi version of herself with starry-eyes and floats. "Oh my gosh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!

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