Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

I went and changed Gojira's outfit and look when Mistral arc happens to sync in with her previous and Atlas look. Along with the outfit she wears during Vacuo/Final Arc.


Gojira kept soaring in the air across Emerald Forest. "Whooo! Hoooo!" She shouted with excitement at the joys of soaring in the air if she were flying. Wanting to feel the rush of speed and flight while it lasted, Gojira moved both hands in the direction her back is facing and charged up her atomic energy to fire a propulsion to gain high speeds.

The explosions from burst of atomic energy helped her propel faster, navigating in any direction across the forest

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The explosions from burst of atomic energy helped her propel faster, navigating in any direction across the forest. She grins like a madwoman, enjoying this ride when she hears a disdaining laughter mixed with squawks.

"You call that speed?!" Gojira looks up to her left to see Radon smirking smugly at him with his wings spread out, having caught up to her with relatively ease. "Let me show you how it's done, chica!" With a beat of his wings, Radon breaks the sound barrier, going fast as a blur from Gojira's sight.

Not wanting to be one up by that overgrown turkey, Gojira grunts and emitted a stronger burst of her atomic energy to propel even farther. Still, she had no intent on being partners with Radon, and the rules state until she and everyone else lands, only then the first person they make eye contact will be their partner for the next four years, so having looked at Radon did not count; and she planned on being partner with someone competent and can tolerate them.

Behind, as the regular humans and Faunus all perform their landing strategies, whereas a certain Arc boy had to be saved by a certain four time Mistral champion from plummeting to his death, Miyarabi leaps onto the first branch she spots and lands down only to then perform inhuman speeds by leaping towards one branch after the other, covering a significant distance across Emerald Forest.

Anguirus curled in a ball form was still in the air, soaring till he collides right into the forest, hitting the ground and generated a powerful shockwave that any students nearby had the misfortune of being knocked out of trajectory. Fortunately, they had aura to brace themselves if any had failed to execute their landing strategy and were glaring at the Ankylosaurus Kaiju, who also caused a powerful earthquake throughout Emerald Forest, sending several birds flying in fright and getting any Grimm's attention.

"SORRY!" Anguirus apologizes with a sheepish chuckle, his apology heard for miles.

Gojira deciding she did not want to waste time flying in the air came to a halt and falls downward and gaining acceleration despite the air resistance. Charging up an atomic breath, Gojira unleashed it at the ground. The beam stops Gojira in midair and slowly lowering the power in her atomic breath by making it weaker does Gojira slowly descend to the land her. Gojira kept her momentum till her feet touched the ground gently and she ceased her beam. She licked away any flames of atomic energy and looks around her surroundings. She smirks with a snigger. "Perfect landing, now just gotta make my way out of here." She begins to sprint, hoping to pick a fight on the way.

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