Chapter 4

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

So I went back and did some edits to the Background Information by adding in some additional changes relating to Gojira's powers, namely a Godzilla ability that yes it's one Godzilla has and it's real. Made minor changes to her Titan Mode's height. Be sure to check out said changes.


Sleeping in a curled up in a ball cat position, Gojira snoozes softly, having a dream that once in a while weren't about nightmares.


Opening her eyes, Gojira sees the whole world in her first perspective. Laid out in front of her is a beautiful scenery of the crystal clear seas with calm waves producing the sound of water washing up into the sandy beach. Reaching out to the water with her own hands that happen to be smaller, smoother, and lacked claws than her regular ones; Gojira picks up a seashell, eyeing it if it were gem of a beauty.

Next she hears giggling of those from a child splashing in the water, followed by seeing a red crab crawling on the beach. She knelt down, using a stick to poke at the crab that held a Sapphire gem in its claws. She giggles and says. "Good morning Mr. Crabs, did you get me a new treasure for my collection?" She giggled some more, continuously poking at the crab that carried an irritated look. "As your princess I command you to hand it over, please."

"Gojira! Where are you?" Called out a male voice.

Raising her head, no longer seeing things from a first perspective but now a third perspective is a young Gojira carrying a wide toothy grin. Right off the bat if you were to take the present day Gojira and this younger version of her, you'd note they were two distinct different individuals for this younger Gojira carried an innocent, childish, and sweet presence compared to the rude, aggressive, and terrifying older version. Though appearing seven years old, child Gojira was over five feet tall than the average human or Faunus child. She lacked her sharp dorsal plates for they were small and undeveloped. Her hair reaches a shoulder-length and has greenish-gray highlights than her neon blue. She wore a green and yellow Japanese style school girl uniform with greenish-gray shorts underneath the skirt, and green and white sneakers.

 She wore a green and yellow Japanese style school girl uniform with greenish-gray shorts underneath the skirt, and green and white sneakers

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Gojira hopped in excitement and rushes over to who the person calling out for her. Standing close by in front of a cabin is a middle-aged man with black short hair, dark brown-colored eyes, as light trimmed facial hair. He wore a white lab coat over his white button up shirt, black cargo pants, and hiking boots.

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