Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Okay so I feel stupid now. The other day was recalling Winter's voice and given I recently read an a amazing AOT and RWBY crossover called Attack on Titan: A New Path by The Court of Talons, which I highly recommend you check out, in that story Ymir (the one had the Jaw Titan and loves Historia, not Ymir Fritz)'s spirit/soul inhabited Winter's body and watching some RWBY Chibi, I realize the two characters share the same voice actress.

I decided I'll be changing Gojira's voice actress to Erica Mendez who voice acted Kill la Kill Ryuko Matoi's voice dub version. Reason why is I didn't want to have two characters in this crossover to sound alike. My second choice was gonna be Lauren Landa who voice Annie from AOT but I went with Erica.


Gojira and Radon practically shoved each other to prevent one or the other from getting inside the entrance first, which results in the two trying to strangle one another, earning many looks from people.

Behind them were Ruby, Jaune, Anguirus, and Miyarabi, who let out exasperated sighs at the pair's antics.

Inside the auditorium housed a brim of young huntsmen and huntresses eager to get to the announcement. There were a mixture of Faunus and humans. There was little rare for Kaiju from what the two kaijus who paid attention and not go at each other's throat like another certain pair.

Gojira stomps on Radon's back, making him hiss from the pressure applied to his back. "De puta madre!"

"I don't know what you just said but I know an insult when I hear one." Gojira scoffed, removing her boot from Radon's back. "Give up?"

Radon snarls, glaring eyes of dagger. "You wish, idiota!" Before he can fire an attack of his own, Anguirus and Miyarabi stopped the two from causing a scene given everyone is looking at them strangely, and gaining ire looks from the Beacon Academy staff.

"Enough you two!" Miyarabi scolds. She bonx the two in the head, causing large bumps to swell on their heads.

"Ow/fuck!" Gojira and Radon cry out, rubbing their round bumps till it went down instantly.

"My friends, we are suppose to be professionals. Have some decency." Anguirus gave pointed looks.

"He/She started it!" Gojira and Radon point at each other with venomous looks. The two turn to growl at each other and butt heads. Both threw their fist, easy to duke it out when faster than the blinking eye, a string of silk shot at them.

Before anyone knew, they all stared in bafflement for both Gojira and Radon's body save for their heads and neck were cocooned in silk. They were strung up to the wall. Both try to break free only to find this silk is durable as Zenith. It would not budge.

"Ahem!" Standing before the pair is Mothra, smiling sweetly at the two with both hands to her hips, though you can tell she is irked. "Settle down children, you are causing a ruckus. Now if you do not behave yourselves then you'll be placed on time out as the children you are. Now you can make fools of yourselves for Gaia's sake in front of your peers throughout the headmaster's announcement or I can remove you and you will behave, am I clear?" Emphasizing the sternness in her tone.

Gojira and Radon growl, trying to budge free. Students laugh at their predicament of the humiliating state they were in, even their fellow Kaiju brethren, Ruby, and Jaune laugh at their expense. Deciding to begrudgingly swallow their pride, the two restrained kaijus complied to the Kaiju Moth's demands. "We promise."

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