Chapter 7

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

So I decided to change Gojira's semblance. It is based off on an ability Godzilla GMK has from Godzilla Battle Line mobile game. Reasons why I changed it was making Godzilla get a power-up similar to Thor's Warrior's madness or Eren's Attack Titan Berserk Mode seemed unoriginal and not too creative. It was too simple and the new semblance works given it represents who Gojira is cause Godzilla is well...intimidating that makes you hesitant on picking a fight against, and semblance are suppose to reflect on the wielder's personality and aspects that represent themselves like Yang's semblance Burn given her temper, fiery attitude, and is kind of decent person who takes one for the team when it comes to taking a punch and hit back harder. Emerald's semblance: Illusion fits her because of her extreme devotion to Cinder and refusal to believe Cinder abandons her later on is Emerald living in an illusional world, how she put on a cherry and friendly facade (illusion) to team RWBY of being friends when in reality she is the opposite. Hell, I am glad it was revealed Ruby's semblance was not a Speed-Type semblance cause why would "speed" reflect who Ruby is? Not sure why people I read on reddit were upset or hating on the fact that Ruby's semblance was no longer how it was thought to be earlier in RWBY volumes cause if you say speed is cause Ruby is energetic, than how do your explain Nora who is far more energetic than Ruby that Nora breaks the Fourth Wall and no doubt talked to her RWBY Chibi counterpart via coffee? So yeah, the new semblance I gave Gojira fits well on reflecting who she is as a person than the former one cause Gojira can get angry, being so full of rage on acting like a wild animal is not who she really is cause getting comical angry like Bakugo for example doesn't make a person terrifying.


Gojira and Anguirus continued smashing every Grimm in their way. Gojira finishes off an Ursa with a German Suplex, smashing its head into the ground whereas Anguirus smashes Golden Freezer into the ground, encasing a pack of Beowolves on ice, dashes up to them to swing his weapon and smash them into bits of shard.

Reaching the exit of Emerald Forest, the kaiju pair emerge out of the forest to find Blake, Yang, Radon, and Miyarabi at the abandoned temple.

"Huh, guess we didn't get here before everyone else." Gojira grunts.

"Well hello to you, Goji-San." Miyarabi said dryly. "I take it the trip here was pleasant."

Suddenly a Beowolf lunges out from the forest at behind Gojira.

"One moment." Gojira said, raising her right hand with her index finger only up. She whipped around to grab the Beowolf by its neck. She goes to repeatedly smash to wolf-type Grimm into the ground to weaken it. Once done Gojira placed her left hand to grip tightly onto its upper jaw and latch her right hand onto its lower jaw, She tears the lower jaw viciously apart. The lower jaw remained attached to the throat and front part of its chest.

The rest cringe at such a gruesome sight despite it being inflicted onto a Grimm. No one wanted to image a person being on the hand of such brutality.

Gojira dropped the body, exhaling as she wiped away black blood from her face. The Grimm dissipated into smoke, along with any blood covering Gojira that cleans her right off. Wiping her hands if she were wiping dust off, Gojira placed her right hand on her right hip and says. "What do you think?" She walks towards the temple where the pedestal had the chess pieces laid out. Studying which one to select, Gojira goes with a Black Queen chess piece, identical to the one Miyarabi had picked out. "Hmm, this will do."

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