Chapter 6

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

So as cool as it is to hear Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire got moved up to March, I am concern at if it was a good move given I do notice the CGI needs work and hopefully they had time to fix it given last scene where it shows Godzilla in Rome people were nitpicking about how it looks out of place like Godzilla looks as if he was photoshopped. If a few seconds scene is being criticized then what does that say about the entire movie cause people have been saying some are trying to hate on the movie before it even has come out and why its not like Minus One? Either way I don't care. When the movie comes out I am going to watch it and love it at what MonsterVerse gives.

On that note I enjoyed Monarch: Legacy of Monsters now that it has finally ended. I really didn't like the story line about Cate, Kentaro, or May/Corah. The only humans that kept me captivated and I truly enjoyed were my favorites: William Randa, Lee Shaw, and Keiko since that is where the real Monarch lore is at compared to the family drama as I felt at times it consume the majority of the juicy stuff the show was suppose to be about on Monarch's history, new monsters, and lore on the Hollow Earth by introducing the concept of Axis Mundi is incredible, which obviously the place the characters were in wasn't the one from GvK. Another layer of the Hollow Earth much like in KOTM with Godzilla's lair and vile vortex weaker cause obviously had they fallen into the one from GvK; Cate, May, and Shaw would have died and that would be the end of show. I also liked Tim as well and really had me going that he had his own secret agenda since he's been introduced but really is a nice guy and some people said he's better than Sam Coleman from KOTM. Still, back to Axis Mundi, that basically made MonsterVerse no longer grounded than ever and we still have people complaining about SSJ Rose Godzilla running lol if the show just revealed Keiko looks the same as she did in 1959 in the year 2015 thanks to space-time distortion.

I am annoyed that Godzilla: Awakening Graphic Novel was made Non-Canon because it had Serizawa's father and I heard a while back Aftershock was almost made Non-Canon by some people on Twitter saying it would mean the MUTOS are unrelated now. Not sure if that was joke but it better be cause I love Aftershock. I like MUTO Prime and how Godzilla's dorsal plates changed. Plus these are titans, not people.

Overall, I loved Godzilla's badass entrance when he fights the Ion Dragon where they make it seem as if he's walking in disappointed at the ruckus everyone has been causing and has both hands to his hips. Little screen time as he ma have, it is always awesome to see Godzilla in action. I just hope we do see Shaw, Keiko and likely flashbacks of Randa again in a potential season 2 since I doubt Shaw is dead given we thought the same with Keiko and maybe they try to redeem the younger human cast since they just didn't for me at all and their pointless story lines that seems way unrelated to the show compared to Shaw and his friends' actual storyline that we needed to see more of and Monarch secrets. People are saying the next season should be Kong centric, but why? The dude literally has his own MonsterVerse animated tv show: Skull Island. Did you all forget that? Season 2 best be a Monarch and Hollow Earth-centric with those who actually work at Monarch.

Anyway, onto the chapter!


Miyarabi had landed in Emerald Forest, and to her surprise upon touching down were an infestation of Grimm everywhere. She stood in the middle, surrounded by six Death Stalkers. The Kaiju Shisa knew Grimm were to be encountered, but she imagined it would be when she ventured deeper into the forest and it was one or two Grimm; not a whole horde upon touching down on the ground where they are expecting her.

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