August, Wednesday 24

92 8 0

I can't help but feel nervous during my first day at school. I even manage to get lost when looking for my classroom. But I finally manage to get a hold of things on my third day, and gain enough confidence to chit chat with some classmates. To be honest, they're all kind and fun. It turns out my desk mate also plays League of Legends, and that same afternoon, during lunch break, I end up meeting his duo bot. It doesn't take that long for me to say I'm a main top, and thus we start making plans to get what's left of a rooster to form a team. At the end of the day, we had promised we'll go to a PC café during the weekend, so we can play together, and compare our games styles, so we can make this team work in a cohesive way.

As soon as classes are over, my two new friends say goodbye to me at the school entrance. I live close enough to go back home walking, while them both have to take the subway.

Considering the subway station is located out of my route, I say goodbye back to them, as I stand next to a bubbler. I'm so thirsty, so I make a stop to drink as both my friends walk out of the school grounds. I take my time to drink the cold, fresh water, and three seconds later, as I'm ready to go too, is when I see them.

First, there's a skinny boy, dark brown hair, who's walking alone with his backpack hanging in one shoulder, when another two guys (considerably bigger than him) hit both his shoulders and push him down to the floor. I get surprised. Yes, the kid is quite short and quite skinny, while the other two guys who pushed him are taller and more fatty. And yet, I do get surprised at the fact that the dark brown haired guy ends up in the floor. He fell on his knees, and he could just barely place his hands in front, in order to not hit his face against the floor.

"Ah, I'm sorry Kim." Says one of them, at the same time he laughs. "I didn't see you there."

A new guy walks in. He stops next to the bullies, and after looking at the situation they're in, instead of helping the boy in the floor, he laughs too and high fives his friends. Without looking back, the trio walks away, as they start talking and laughing, just as if they didn't have just bullied a helpless kid.

I, slightly annoyed, hurry to his side, and offer my hand to help him get up.

"I'm okay." He says, but he still takes my hand, and finally stands up.

I'm just about to introduce myself, when the kid takes his backpack and hangs it again from his shoulder, and walks away, towards the school entrance, as if nothing had just happened. As if he just did not hurt his knees and palms. I get back to the bubbler. I'm not thirsty anymore, but I can't help but drink a little bit more of fresh water. As soon as I finish drinking, I wipe my chin, and finally, walk out of school too.

 As soon as I finish drinking, I wipe my chin, and finally, walk out of school too

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Have a happy week~


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