September, Wednesday 7

67 7 1

Yesterday, during sports class, some of my classmates where very happy to see how well I play football, and thus they invited me to play during lunch, today. When the bell rung indicating it was lunch time, my friends, who are not really into sports, took their lunch and walked towards the school cafeteria. And thus, I walked alone, in an opposite direction, towards the football field.

I'm walking across the school main yard, where some students are sitting along the benches, eating lunch, and talking with each other, when I see him.

Kim Doyoung. Third year.

He's alone. Can't help but wonder why. If he's already in his third year, he surely would've some friends already, friends he can sit and eat along with. Then I remember he "usually doesn't speak with anyone", and now I can't help to wonder if this is somehow related with the fact that he's being bullied.

I didn't notice when I stopped walking, and now I'm just standing there, looking at him, when I see once again that trio of bullies, who walk towards him.

A new fake stumbling. This time, one of the guys kicks his food. Kim Doyoung's lunch falls to the floor, and soon gets covered in dirt. Totally inedible now.

"Sorr Kim. Didn't see ya."

They walk away, laughing. I just can't take it anymore. As Kim reaches to clean the food, and then throw it to the trash can, I walk towards him.

I stop right in front of him, and for a moment I can see how his whole body trembles, as if he was scared I would kick his food once again.

"Come on." I say, and I hold him by his wrist.

"Do I know you?" he asks in a voice that sounds like a weak whisper.

"Yes, my name's So Junghwan." Is my answer. "I also helped you last week."

He instantly blushes. He does remember it.

"Thanks." He says shyly.

"No problem. Now, come on." And I pull him slightly once again. "I'll buy you something."

"There's no need, I'm actually not hungry." He replies. And he pulls back, as if asking for me to let him go.

I barely notice it. Don't how if it's because he just has no strength, or because he has done it gently, so to not offend me. Anyway, his pull is definitely not enough to let go of my grab, but I still obey his wish, and let go of him.

"You sure?"

He just nods. Once again, he doesn't say a single word, and walks away, God knows where.

I, remembering I have a football match to attend, try not to think about it, and finally keep on walking, towards the field.

I, remembering I have a football match to attend, try not to think about it, and finally keep on walking, towards the field

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I'm so sorry I didn't do an upload yesterday. I had a social event to attend -from work, so I had to focus on that.

Anyway, hope you had a good week, and your weekend get's even better.


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