Chapter - 21

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Her Pov

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Her Pov

A week had passed since their painful conversation, and she found herself in a whirlwind of emotions. The pain she felt was intense, and this time, she was determined not to hide her feelings or try to make sense of it all or try be to be understanding. She had grown tired of constantly feeling rejected and unimportant in his eyes.

Every day seemed like an exhausting struggle with her own emotions. She had reached a point of exhaustion, no longer willing to pretend like she was fine when her heart was burdened with disappointment and sadness. The wounds from their conversation were still fresh, and she couldn't ignore the deep pain that had settled within her.

As the days turned into nights, she struggled with a deep sense of loss. It wasn't just the words he had spoken; it was the message beneath them that had hurt her so deeply. She had hoped for more, for a connection beyond their coexistence after what happened, but  his reaction on their moment together had crushed those hopes.

The days of putting on a brave face and pretending everything was okay were behind her. The pain was too real and too intense. She needed to face the emotions she had been suppressing, to acknowledge the pain and disappointment were way to much from what she can handle. And she couldn't help but wonder if he, too, was struggling with his own battleafter their painful conversation.


He found himself  stuck in an complex of dilemmas, each thread pulling him in a different direction. The weight of his promises, particularly the only promise he had made to his late wife, made a pressure on him like an huge burden. Breaking that promise seemed extremely difficult, and he struggled with the challenging task of finding a solution that wouldn't break the commitments he had made.

Simultaneously, he was suffering with the pain he saw in his current wife's eyes. Her suffering was evident, and the growing emotional distance between them was painful to witness for him. She had chosen to shut him out, avoiding conversation and contact, and it left him feeling utterly helpless. He longed to comfort her, to hug her, to bridge the gap that now separated them. But he couldn't ignore the loud emotions developing within him, confusing him more with each passing day.

"Why does this have to be so difficult?" he muttered to himself one evening, staring out the window as he wrestled with his thoughts.

His late wife's memory haunted him, a presence that loomed over their marriage. He remembered her kindness, her laughter, and their childhood love they had shared.

But alongside those memories, he now found himself drawn to his current wife in unexpected ways. The memory of their honest and painful conversation weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn't shake the image of her tear-filled eyes, the hurt etched on her face.

This confusion played his thoughts. Why was he so deeply affected by all of this? Their marriage was, in reality, a forced arrangement, and yet, his desire to become close to her was undeniable. The emotions he experienced were a puzzle without a clear solution, and he felt trapped in a situation that seemed to offer no easy answers.

His Wife Of Forcèd Fate ✓Where stories live. Discover now