A Dark Day

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(September 11th 1914) pov Tanya

As I opened my eyes I saw a young women carrying me running through the rain covered streets heading to an unknown destination. what I could figure out however is that we were running from some unseen adversary as the women kept looking over her soldier I women I guessed was my mother.

"It'll be alright honey. the women reassured me. we will reach safety soon i just pray that you will have a good safe life one worthy of a princess".

Princess huh I thought well I guess I must be the princess of some European country by the looks of the architecture of the buildings around us. I kept wondering where this safe place was she was telling about it was another few hours till I noticed a church like building nearby that the woman was clearly headed for.  

"well here we are Tanya dear your home at least for now I know you can't speak to me but I want you too know how much I love you and will always be with you no matter what. if someone dares tries to tell you you are someone else never forget you are princess Tanya von berun heir to the empire and our brightest star never forget that". 

the women then left a note on the basket she left me in and ran off. about 10 minutes of waiting another women dressed in black who I guessed based on the place she had dropped me of in was a nun so I was at an orphanage huh funny way of cursing me being X however I knew that if I was a royal princes that must have meant some sort of assassination must have happened to the rest of the royal family and my mother and I were the only survivors.

" hello little dear. the nun said picking me up. oh what's this little note you've got here".

note: this young girl is Tanya Degurechauf I ask you to please keep her safe she is the last hope of the fatherland please I beg you. 

once the woman folded the note and looked around she turned heel with me in hand she headed back into the orphanage the last thing I remember before falling asleep was hearing the faintest sound of a scream in the distance what chilled me was. it sounded like a woman's scream. 

(September 13th 1914)

breaking news: on the evening of September 11th the entire imperial von berun royal family was assassinated the emperor and the crown prince were found dead in the throne room. However the empress and her daughter weren't found in the palace it wasn't until yesterday night that the body of the empress was found dead in a dark alleyway near the imperial military academy. However we have no confirmation of the death of the daughter so therefore the royal family isn't gone yet. Loyal citizens of the empire I want to reassure you to stay calm and know that our empire is not dead yet chancellor Vogel will be assuming more powers to ensure the stability of the nation till our empress returns to us. LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE. 

(in the chancellors office).

"isn't it great Herr Vogel we have achieved our dream of ultimate power and we can begin our grand designs for the empire that we so rightfully deserve. like expanding to the east and growing our great empire to the status of world power to show the world that we are not the weaklings they perceive us to be".

"one step at a time vice chancellor Felix Hauser. our expansionist plans will need to be approved of firstly by strategic HQ and the senate or else we will be immediately removed from command as they will believe us corrupt if we don't abide by the system. do you want to be removed from office in only 6 months hmmm"?

"no chancellor Vogel I do not". the fire from his eyes quickly dying out. 

"good remember while we got most of the royal family their youngest escaped and so long as she lives the country's loyalty will never fully be behind us. the people as they always have been for years will never truly give up their loyalty and gratitude to the royal family that easily. So we must consolidate our power firmly before the empress returns or else our plans will be destroyed am I clear vice chancellor we play by the rules until we have truly achieved ultimate power." 

"ye mien chancellor I understand I will begin consolidating our power at once".

after vice chancellor Felix left chancellor Vogel strode over to the big window in the back of his office and looked outside and contemplated all that had happened.

If the empress truly lives then Wilhelm's legacy lives on. our grand plans cannot be derailed the empress must be found before she grows old enough to claim her right to the throne. I must kill her before it's too late.

AUTHORS NOTES: I hope you all like this story I have lots of good ideas for how this story is going to play out. if you want to know why the loyalty is still evident in the empire well you shall have to wait and see cause I'll say that's one chapter you won't want to miss. also our next chapter our protagonist will soon be thrust into a NIGHTMARE: also again I own nothing all rights belong to the creators of this awesome anime highly recommend you go and watch it. anyways till next time GLORY TO THE EMPIRE!!!!!!!.

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