Born to die

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Mias pov

Toms car finally went into a stop.

I got up and looked around my surroundings.

It was dark and the ground was covered in snow but a big building with neon lights was in front of us.

Tom got out and opened the door I was close to.

I immediately made contact with the cold air. I put my arms around my body covering the big patches of skin I was showing due to Tom's outfit he picked out for me.

I shivered as we went in the long line outside the building.

A couple of minutes of me shivering went by.

I felt warmth as a big sweater was wrapped around me.

It was Tom's sweater.

He gave me a slight smile but I turned my head away from him.

I'm not trying to deal with his bipolar ass right now.

He let a slight growl go then focused on the line.

Time skip skip 5 minutes later

We finally were the first people in line.

Tom was whispering something to the bouncer then he let us in.

As I entered the club I instantly got pervy  looks from weird men.

I was officially disgusted and scared.

Then this dude started cat calling me.

??: If you come over here I will make you have the night of your life, I promise you won't regret sweet cheeks.

He spat like a pig before slapping my ass.

??: Please let me get a piece of that big ass.

Mia: Watch yourself jerk!

I yelled about to kick him in the balls but Tom got in front of us and showed the man his gun.

Tom: Ever lay a hand on her again one of this bullets will be in that dirty head of yours.

The man's face changed from a pervy one to I pissed my pants one.

??: I don't want no trouble I apologize.

He said putting his hands together begging to Tom.

Tom: Get out of here I don't want to see your deformed face again.

??: Yes of course.

He turned around and speed walked to the exit.

Mia: Thanks.

Tom: Just making sure no one messes with my plan.

He said as Sasha approached us forcefully grabbing Tom's hand to hold hers. I felt mad about his response but the same time jealous that she could hold his hand.

I'm not completely sure why I'm even jealous but I am.

Sasha: Making a scene are we?

Tom: Just dealing with a low life nothing else.

Sasha: Mhmm.

She scanned me up and down then her face got rather angry.

Sasha: Is that your sweater Tom?!?!

She explained in a bitchy tone pointing her witch finger at me.

Tom: Yeah.

Sasha: Why does she have it on.

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