I've Got My Eye On You

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Tom's pov:

As I was about to lay in my bed I heard a loud thump.

I walked out of my room to see everyone out wondering where the sound came from.

Well everyone was out there except Mia.

Ellie went to go knock on her door but no one answered.

Ellie: Mia is a light sleeper she should have woken up by now.

Georg: Maybe she is just really tired.

Ellie continued to pound on the door but Mia never opened up.

Ellie: Tom.

Tom: Yeah?

Ellie: Kick the door open.

Tom: What?

Ellie: Kick the door open Tom!

She demanded as I looked at her like she was insane.

Ellie: Tom trust me something is wrong.

I looked at the white door hesitating to knock it down but Ellie looked really worried.

I sighed and looked at bill. We both started to kick the door. After our 4th kick the door flew open.

Ellie rushed in the room and let out a blood curling scream.

We all ran in and saw Mia laying flat in a pool of her blood with a knife in the side of her stomach.

I went by her side picking up her head.

Everything went in slow motion as I felt her cold skin.

My blood ran cold.

I was feeling so much emotions.


Tom: Someone call the fucking ambulance!

I shouted with a shaky voice.

Gustav took out his phone and called.

Ellie was on the other side of her hyperventilating and sobbing everywhere.

I checked her pulse and it was there just very weak.

I noticed that the window was open and some of the things in the room was knocked down on the floor.

Mia didn't do this to herself, someone came in here through the window stabbed her then fell and escaped back through the window.

I felt my blood boil knowing someone hurt her and my child.

I looked back at Mia seeing her weak body covered in blood.

I gently picked her and and held her in my arms.

I kept my unreadable cold face but in the inside I was so worried for Mia.

If anything happens to her I don't know if I could live anymore.

I didn't believe in love or soulmates until I met her.

I know that I definitely didn't make a good first impression but she forgave me and that only made me love her more.

The ambulance finally arrived and came in with a stretcher.

I gave them permission to pick her.

Tom: Be careful!

I yelled as they were picking her up too rough.

They gently put her on the stretcher and rushed to the car.

Me and Ellie went into the ambulance with her while bill, gustav, and georg followed us in their cars.

I watched the emt's do everything in their power to make her stay alive.

I was watching her closely while fidgeting with my fingers.

Then I felt Ellie's hand on mine.

I turned to look at her and her reassuring smile.

Ellie: She is gonna be ok Tom.

I nodded my head and turned back to Mia.

Once we got at the hospital they took Mia away and all I could do was sit in the waiting room with Ellie who wouldn't stop talking.

She is definitely bipolar.

One minute she is reassuring me that everything is ok then the next she is sobbing on the floor scared.

I had enough of her so I got up to walk around leaving everyone.

I went outside looking at the dark sky covered in stars.

The cold wind hitting me as I kept walking. I managed to calm down a bit but that bad lingering feelings was still there.

I just wanted this to be over. I need her awake and healthy in my arms.

I hate myself for not being there with her.

After a couple of minutes of walking I went back in the hospital and saw that they were gone.

I went to the nurse at reception and she told me that Mia was out of surgery and I could visit her in a hospital room.

I rushed to the room and saw everyone in there.

Gustav and georg were asleep on the couch, Ellie was sitting on the left side of a sleeping Mia, bill was behind Ellie sitting in a chair.

I sat on the right side of her holding her slightly warm hand.

Tom: What did the doctors tell you?

Ellie: Her and the baby are perfectly fine, the knife didn't hit anything important. She is gonna have a big scar on the side of her stomach though.

I felt relieved that she was ok. Half of the stress on me was lifted off.

Ellie: Who did this to her Tom..

Tom: I have no idea, but when I find them they won't like what I'm going to do to them.

Bill: Maybe Mia knows who's did this to her.

Ellie: Yeah hopefully.

Ellie: What time is it babe?

She said looking at bill who quickly checked his phone.

Bill: It's 3:45 am.

Ellie: Ok.

She looked back at Mia snuggling with her arm before closing her eyes falling asleep.

Now it was just me and bill awake.

Bill: Are you ok Tom?

Tom: I'm fine.

Bill: You know sometimes even you can show your true emotions.

Tom: I'm fine bill.

I said firmly to him.

Bill: Stop lying to yourself and all of us.

I groaned before looking at him.

Tom: Fine! I'm scared to death, I feel like my heart shattered when I saw her laying in her own blood. I care so much about her and when I saw her like that it was just, painful.

I vented feeling helpless.

Tom: But now I'm so relieved that she is ok and my baby is ok. All I want to do now is see her wake up and kiss her.

I said rubbing her hand.

Bill: I'm glad you found love Tom. You changed, in a good way.

I looked at him giving him a slight smile.

Tom: Thank you for staying by my side bill. Your the best brother anyone can ask for.

Bill: Always and forever.

We talked more for a bit then fell asleep.

1055 words

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