You Give Love A Bad Name

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Mia: What does it say Ellie??

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Mia: What does it say Ellie??

She gave me the test and I saw for myself.

I dropped it on the floor in complete shock.

I just ruined a perfect life...

I was panicking.

Mia: What the fuck at I going to say to Xavier, and tom...

Ellie: You have to tell them.

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Mia: I can't just walk up to them and tell them I'm pregnant with Tom's baby.

Like it was so easy to tell my fiancée and Tom kaulitz im having Tom's baby and better yet tell Xavier I had sex with Tom on my birthday.

Ellie: You can't just hide it Mia.

I knew she was right. I wasn't good at keeping certain secrets. For example like this. I can't hide this.

Mia: I don't know I'll just get an abortion then.

Ellie: Hell no!

I knew she would protested it but that's the only way I can keep a good relationship with Xavier and Tom.

Mia: Please don't be like that Ellie.

Ellie: I will beat your ass if you get one Mia.

I groaned then looked at her.

Mia: How do I tell them then.
I said with a bit of attitude getting annoyed.

Xavier: Tell who what?

He questioned.

My head turned to him as I felt my heart drop to my feet.

My blood ran cold as I saw that the pregnancy test was still on the floor.

I gave a worried look to Ellie.

She looked at me then the test on the floor nervously.

Xavier followed what she was looking at then he started walking to pick up the test.

Ellie tried picking it up before him but he snatched it.

He read the positive test and his shocked eyes met mine.

I felt like I was going to pass out during the awkward silence that was happening. Honestly I wish I did.

Xavier: Who's test is this?

He looked at both of us. I looked at Ellie she looked at me.

I sighed knowing I had to come clean.

Mia: It's mine Xavier.

He stood there in complete shock. Then a smile came onto his face.

Xavier: Your pregnant?

I prepared myself to tell him everything.

Mia: Yes, Xavier I can explain.

Xavier: No need to. I'll be there every step. Your having my child after all.

After he said those supporting words I got a idea, maybe I could actually play this off. Or is that too cruel?

Mia: Really?

I felt Ellie's judgey eyes on me after I didn't confess to him. She lowly growled leaving the room.

He took my hand and looked deep into my eyes.

Xavier: Of course.

I faked smiled feeling bad for doing this.

He then pulled me in for a kiss. I weakly kissed back knowing I should be with Tom and not Xavier.

My feelings are clear now.

I love Tom.

I don't want to marry Xavier. And definitely don't want to have a kid with him.

Xavier: We need to tell all of them.

He gently grabbed my hand wanting me to follow him out there.

He excitedly went to the living room desperate to tell everyone while I slow walked dreading of what's about to happen.

By the time I got to where everyone was they were all standing up in shock.

All eyes were on me.

I didn't care about no one's but Tom's.

He gave me a confused but mad look.

He scoffed shaking his head walking to the front door.

Everyone was confused by his action. I silently followed him.

I followed him for a half of a block trying to catch up to him.

Mia: Tom wait please!

I said trying to grab his arm.

He tugged away walking faster.

Tom: Go away Mia.

I stopped seeing him walk further and further away.

I needed to tell him the truth. I can't lie to him.

Mia: Tom it's yours!

I said on the verge of crying.

He stopped walking. His body turned around to look at me.

I started walking to him then slightly running into his arms.

He held me tightly as I cried.

I don't know why I was crying but I was. I'm just glad I'm here with him.

Mia: I don't know what to do.


Tom: Do you want to keep the baby?
He spoke hesitantly.

Mia: Do you?
I questioned.

Tom: Your the one who is gonna push it out.

Tom: Whatever your decision is I'll still be by your side Mia.

I looked at him trying to figure out my decision.

I knew Ellie would want me to keep it.

Maybe having a baby wouldn't be so bad. But what will I say to Xavier, the second the baby is born Xavier and everyone else will know it's not Xavier's.

I made my decision.

Mia: I wanna...


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