Cʜᴀᴏs Rɪsɪɴɢ

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Luisa was bubbling with excitement as she walked beside Stiles and Scott.

"What?" Stiles sighs

Scott looks back, "What, what do you mean, "what"?"

"I mean "what," and you know what."

"What" what?" Scott frowns. Luisa furrows her brows as she repeats the question to herself.

"That look you were giving."

"I didn't give a look."

"Oh, there was a distinct look, Scott." Stiles scoffs, "Luisa saw it."

"I didn't see anything." She makes clear as she shakes her head

"What look?" Scott says

"The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party." He points 

"It's not that. It just seems weird going to a different high school's party." Scott says

"I think it'll be fun." Luisa says

"Exactly. Would you..." Stiles groans, "God, one drink, all right? You'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia. Tonight, we're moving on."

Luisa turns as the boys stop.

"You're right." Scott nods

"That's right I'm right."

"Moving on."

"Onward and upward."

"Let's do this.

"That's what I'm talking about. No look me." Stiles says as they high five each other

"Okay." Scott sighs. He turns to Luisa, "How's my breath smell?"

"Not smelling your breath." She shakes her head

"Do you have any gum?"

"No. No gum. You're fine." Stiles says as they walk up to the door

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?" He says as they walk in

The three look around as they shut the door behind them. Luisa smiling as people passed by them.

"Stiles! Hi." A girl exclaims as she runs up to Stiles

"Hey. There's the birthday gir..." Stiles is cut off when the girl kisses him. Scott and Luisa's eyes widen.

"So glad that you made it."

"Me too." Stiles says breathless

"Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine." She says as she grabs his hand


Luisa chuckles as they walk off. Scott smiling as a girl comes up by them, "Hey."

The girl looks him up and down before walking away. Scott's head jerks back offended as Luisa laughs at him.


Scott had left Luisa a couple of minutes ago saying he would be back in a second. Obviously, he wasn't and she had no clue where Stiles was.

So, she went to find Scott. She walked outside and saw Scott standing with Allison and Lydia. She closed the door behind her and walked up beside them. They hadn't noticed she was coming towards them until it was too late.

She frowns as she sees bruises on Allison's wrist, "Are you okay?"

Scott looks over as Luisa finally stops by them. Allison quickly pulls her sleeve back down. Luisa looks up at Allison who looks to Lydia unsure of what to do.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay. Just very clumsy." She smiles

Luisa nods hesitantly before looking up at Scott. The boy smiles awkwardly before looking away.


Ariane stops the car in front of the school. She puts it in park and looks over to Luisa. The girl looks conflicted as she stares out of her window.


"Yeah?" She says as she looks over

"Are you okay?" Ariane asks 

"Yeah." She nods. Luisa goes to reach for her bag before she stops and fully turns to her sister, "Actually, I had a question."

Ariane raises her brows as she waits for her to speak, "Okay, so, yesterday at that party Allison and Lydia show up and Scott meets them outside."

"Okay." She nods

"And when I went out after him because I was bored and couldn't find Stiles, I saw this huge bruise on Allison's wrist."

"As much as that could be concerning, why is it freaking you out?"

"Because they hurried up and hid it from me. So, my question is why? Why do you think they hid it?"

Ariane shrugs, "I don't know, but you don't know her that well. Maybe she just didn't want you to see it."


"Was there anything unusual about it ?"

"Not really. I mean, it did kind of have like a weird shape." She says as she makes a shape with her finger

Ariane frowns, "What the hell was that?"

Luisa sighs as she digs through her backpack. She pulls out a pen and an index card. She sets it on the center console and starts drawing a symbol. She holds it up to Ariane when she finishes. Her sister takes it and eyes it as Luisa throws her pen back in her bag.

"Weird right?"

"This was on her wrist?" Ariane says as she looks up

"Yeah or something like it."

Ariane looks back down at the drawing as Luisa gets out. Before she closes the door, she bends down, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later." Ariane says as she quickly looks up to Luisa. She smiles before she closes the door and makes her way into the school.

Ariane furrows her brows as she tries to figure out where she's seen the drawing before. She sets the card down before she drives off.


Luisa tried to find Scott and Stiles whenever she walked in, but had no success. Instead of stressing herself out, she just went to her locker and then went to class.

As she sat waiting for class to start, she noticed someone sit right next to her. She looked over and saw a girl with long reddish-brown hair. The girl looks over and smiles and Luisa immediately smiles back before looking back down at her hands.

She barely realizes how her heart started beating a little faster.


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