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Luisa walked into the school the next day like a woman on a mission. She looked all around for Scott and Stiles, first going to Scott's locker. They weren't there, so she made a beeline for Stiles' locker. The boys weren't paying attention as she walks up, so she slams on the locker beside Stiles causing both boys to jump.

"Oh, hey, Luisa." Scott smiles. Luisa smiles back before it drops. The boys' eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"You okay?" Stiles says

"We need to talk. Now." She says

Scott and Stiles look to each other with wide eyes as Luisa walks away. Both have never seen her serious in the slightest bit, so Scott rushes after her. Stiles slams his locker shut before stumbling after them.

They follow Luisa into an empty classroom. She sets her bag down on a desk as Stiles closes the door. Luisa crosses her arms as Scott and Stiles stand in front of her carefully.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asks softly

"Why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?"

Scott's eyes widen as Stiles' jaw drops, "Uh." Scott says as he looks to Stiles. Luisa's eyebrows raise as she waits for them to answer, "Ariane told you."

"Mhm." She hums, "Apparently, I'm in a family of hunters, Allison's family are hunters, and you're a werewolf." She finishes pointing to Scott.

"Okay, wait. Your parents were hunters?" Stiles says

"Yeah. Apparently."

Scott and Stiles look over at each other before looking back to Luisa who was now sat in a desk. Her head rested on her hand.

"Okay." Stiles says


After being given a run down of everything that Scott and Stiles have experienced since Scott's become a werewolf, Luisa didn't know how she'd focus in class. She was practically buzzing in her seat.

"Hey." Anna whispers. Luisa looks over quickly, "You okay?" She chuckles lightly

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." Luisa says

"You sure? Your leg's shaking like crazy."

Luisa looks down as she stops her leg from moving. She looks back up to Anna who smiles at her before turning to the front.

Luisa sighs deeply before putting her head on her hand. Definitely not paying attention to her teacher as she thought back again to all of the information Stiles had given her.


Ariane walked through the woods with her bag on her shoulder. She was looking for a place to practice her hunting skills considering there were werewolves and god knows what back in Beacon Hills.

As she's walking, she hears steps behind her. Her brows furrow as she stops. She listens for the steps, but they've vanished. After a couple of seconds, she hears a twig snap. She turns quickly holding her gun out in front of her. She comes face to face with Argent. She sighs as she rolls her eyes, but still holds her gun out.

"That stop you did could've ended your life if there was a real threat." He says

"Why are you following me?" She says

"You were in the vault with Scott and Derek?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine."

"I asked you first." She spits

Argent sighs before stepping closer, "I told your parents that I would try to look after you guys before they died."

Ariane stares back at him with a scowl on her face. She finally puts her gun down, "We don't need you looking after us. We're fine on our own."

"Well considering what you know now, you could use the extra protection."

"I don't need your protection." She snaps stepping closer to him, "We didn't need it then and we don't need it now."

"Then consider Scott and Derek."

Ariane's face hardens at the mention of the names. Argent sees it, but can't tell which one set her off.

"Stay the hell away from me and my sister." She says before turning away and storming off.


Luisa frowns as she walks down the hall. Stiles sits in the chair by the office peeking in.

"What are you doing?" She says. Stiles jumps in his seat

"Jesus, Luisa. Don't creep up on me like that." He says before turning back to the window

"I didn't creep up on you. You're just being nosy." She says sitting next to him

"I'm trying to find a pattern."


"The murders." He mutters. Luisa nods to herself. She remembers them telling her about the murders recently going on around town. Luisa jumps as Stiles turns quickly in his seat.

"Wait right here, okay?" The officer says as she walks a girl out

"Okay." The girl sniffles before the officer walks back in the house

Stiles stands up and carefully approaches her, "Um, hi, Ashley. Hi. Can I talk to you just for one sec?" He says leading her away from the door, "Sorry. I just need to ask you something really quick, and it's gonna sound really unbelievably insensitive, so I apologize in advance."

Ashley frowns as she waits for him to speak, "Um... Was Kyle a virgin?"

Luisa's eyes widen as she looks back and forth between them.

"What?" Ashley says

"Your boyfriend, was he a virgin, or did you guys... You know what I mean..."

Luisa's mouth drops as Ashley slaps Stiles. He immediately holds his hand to his face. Luisa grimaces as the officer comes out and leads Ashley away.

She turns back, "No. He wasn't a virgin."

Sheriff Stilinski walks out of the office looking bewildered, "Have you completely lost your mind? I've got four murders, Stiles." He yells, "You see those men in there? That's the FBI. They're pulling together a task force to help because it looks like we've got a full-blown serial killer on our hands. You get that?"

"Yes, dad. I get that." He sighs

"Then what are you doing?" He frowns

"I'm trying to find a pattern." Stiles says. The sheriff shakes his head before walking back in the office. Luisa stands up and walks up slowly to Stiles.

"Are you okay?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighs, "I probably deserved that."

"Oh, definitely." She nods

"Yeah." He mutters

Luisa looks at him as he looks down wringing his hands together, "I can help."

Stiles looks up wide eyed, "What?"

"I'll help. If you think there's some sort of pattern or something that can help figure this out. I'll help you." She smiles with a nod

A smile takes over his face as he nods happily, "Yes, okay." He walks over to the chairs and grabs his backpack, "Come on." He says as he walks down the hall. Luisa falls into step with him.

"Where are we going?"

"Still looking for a pattern."


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