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Allison came to Luisa with the idea of following the boys to their cross country meet. After a fight with the Alpha pack, Allison wanted to keep a close eye on Scott. Somehow, Luisa had convinced Ariane to let her go. It was a whole lot easier than she expected. So, that's how she ended up in the backseat of Allison's car with Lydia in the passenger's side.

"Am I getting too close? I'm getting way too close, aren't I?" Allison says

"That depends. Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?" Lydia says

"Yeah, I should back off." She says as she starts to slow down

"Well, that also depends. Oh, do you mean the bus or the ex-boyfriend you're currently stalking?"

"Well, after what happened, I'm not letting him out of my sight."

"Hm." Lydia nods

"And by the way, this all started when he came knocking at my door."

"For what?"

Allison sighs and shakes her head before looking in the rear view at Luisa, "So, um, Luisa, you said that you've known Scott and Stiles for a while right?"

Luisa nods as she sits up by the center console, "Yeah, since like second grade."

"And you've been friends ever since?"

"Pretty much. I tried calling and stuff as much as I could when I was gone."

"Did you two know each other?" Allison says looking to Lydia and Luisa

"Yeah, but we were obviously in two different social classes." Luisa chuckles

"I still don't understand how you've been friends with them for so long." Lydia says

"Well, I mean," She shrugs, "They were there for me when my parents died. Even after I left, so."

Allison smiles as Luisa sits back.


The girls had been on the road for a couple of hours. Never stopping anywhere, just following the bus. Luisa was glad she decided to pack a bag of snacks and entertainment.

"So is that whole "not let them out of your sight" thing literal or more like a general rule?" Lydia says looking up from her book

"Why?" Allison says

"You're running on fumes."

It was then that Allison realized her tank was on E, "Ugh."

"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota."

"What if we stop?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Luisa says optimistic, "We know where they're headed."

"You guys didn't see what happened."

"I know who started it." Lydia says

"Is that what Aiden told you?"

"Aiden? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Is that why you invited me on this whole little road trip thing?" Lydia says. Her jaw drops when the car goes silent, "Oh, my gosh. You're keeping an eye on them and me."

"So there's nothing going on between you two?"

"I'm appalled by the insinuation."

"Nothing?" Allison teases. Lydia pulls out her lipstick before she looks up in the rearview mirror to apply it.

Allison turns to Luisa as they stop behind the bus. Both smiling as they knew Lydia was lying. As Allison turns back to Lydia, the girl closes her lipstick.

"What?" She shrugs. Allison chuckles as she shakes her head.


Ariane walked through the abandoned mall unsure of what she was actually looking for. After Scott told Luisa about everything, Luisa obviously told Ariane.

Everyone thought that Derek had died after falling and landing on the escalator. Ariane hated to admit it, but her heart did drop at the information. Derek couldn't actually be dead, could he?

She didn't know, but she wanted to find out. She looked around for any clue that Derek had somehow gotten up from what happened.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you."

Ariane turns quickly at the voice. She sees two people standing at the top of the escalator. As she got closer, she recognizes Derek's uncle, Peter, and his little sister, Cora.

"Ariane?" Cora says

"Cora." Ariane says, "I thought you died in the fire."

"I managed to get away. What are you doing here?"

"Same as us most likely." Peter says, "Looking for Derek?"

Ariane glares at him, "I'm looking for answers."

"So you're looking for Derek." He smirks. Ariane sighs annoyed, "We are too. As you can see, there are no bodies."


"And from what I can recall, there should be two. So, we're all wondering the same thing. Wondering if they were carried out, or maybe if one of them managed to find enough strength to push himself up off the floor and walk out, leaving the three of us standing here to answer the all-important question."

"Which one?" Cora says as she eyes the escalator. Ariane observes it herself. Seeing blood on both sides of it.

She takes a deep breath before she looks away.


Luisa looks down at her phone as it rings. Her brows raise as she sees Stiles calling her. She sits up as she answers.

"Hey, Stiles. How's the drive been-"

"I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker." Stiles interrupts

"O-kay." She says as she sets the phone on the center console

"Okay, look, Scott's still hurt."

Allison frowns, "What do you mean still? He's not healing?"

"No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning, like, a black color."

"W- What's wrong with him?" Lydia says

"What's wrong with him? I don't... do I have a PhD in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" He sasses

"We need to get him off the bus." Luisa says

"And take him where, a hospital?" Lydia says turning to her

"If he's dying, yeah." Allison nods, "Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell the coach to pull over."

"Yeah, I've been trying."

"Well, reason with him."

"Reason?" He exclaims, "Have you met this guy?"

"Just try something." Allison says leaning up on her steering wheel

They hear Stiles sigh before he hangs up.


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