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(okay but Jungwon in this pic omfg kajsshshsjsjiwjsjshsh)

Third person's POV

"Hi Jungwon"

The girl said to be a little friendly because she noticed Jungwon feeling uncomfortable or was he just.... uninterested? Sunoo nudged Jungwon's arm with his elbow to make him say something but the boy just stood there looking at the girl with cold eyes.

"Hehe, don't mind him Eunhee, he's just a little shy around new people"

Sunoo said in a nervous tone. As soon as Eunhee parted her lips to say something, Jungwon quickly said

"I'm not shy, I just don't talk to people I don't like" (same Jungwon same)

Eunhee nervously chuckle and said

"It's totally fine, please sit"

"Tell her I'm fine here"

He whispered to Sunoo.

"Why don't you say it yourself?"

"What's wrong guys?"

"Absolutely nothing, we're totally fine"

Eunhee raised one of her eyebrows but eventually forgot about it.

"Jungwon is joining our school, he's in the same class as you. I hope you two get along well"

"Oh, let's hope so"

The vampire boy realised how sweet her scent was, he couldn't bear it, he knew he would do something stupid if he stays there for too long, he covered his nose and he swore he could feel his fangs digging into his palm so he ran out of the room as soon as possible. Eunhee noticed this and debated inside her mind whether she should ask Sunoo about this or not, afterall she met Jungwon less than an hour ago and it wasn't the right timing, she decided to keep it to herself, hoping that if she and Jungwon ever get along, she would ask him.

Jungwon's POV


I swear her scent was wayyyy too sweet, in all the 1209 years of my life I never smelled such sweet blood, if I could I would just bite into her neck, omg, i need blood, her blood. Looks like I found my target. Cho Eunhee, stay away from me as much as possible.

Third person's POV

After talking to Sunoo, he left the room and started to look around in order to spot Jungwon. He knew Jungwon's little secret and he also knew why he ran out of that room , infact Sunoo himself was a half vampire but since he was a half vampire he did not have a very strong desire of blood or something. He could control himself but Jungwon's needs were really strong and once he got bloodthirsty, no one could stop him from killing, he once attacked Sunoo too. Thankfully Sunoo was able to push him away otherwise they both would've died.

After finding Jungwon, both the friends left the hospital and went back to their respective houses.

(2 days later)

It was the day Eunhee could go back home. She first brushed her teeth, did her hair and changed into a fresh pair of clothes she always had in her school bag, yes the school bag was there in the hospital ever since Eunhee got injured. After that Sunoo came, did all the stuff you do to get someone discharged from a hospital and then Eunhee left. Sunoo insisted to drop her off to her apartment but Eunhee politely denied since he had already done so much for her.
She decided to get back to school from the next day. As she was preparing everything for school, her phone started ringing. Someone called her.

 Someone called her

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She picked up.

"Hey mom!"

"Hi Eunhee, how are you doing? Why weren't you picking up our calls for the past two days? Your principal called me, you weren't attending school too? Why is so? You can tell me"

Eunhee told her everything except the Hyunwoo part, her mom was the protective type, if she told her about Hyunwoo then the guy would probably be in a hospital or something.

After talking to her mom for a good while,she hung up.

"Let's get back to school from tomorrow I guess"

She tried to sleep but she couldn't.
Something was bothering her.
She wanted to know more about him.

(Wtf there are so many typos in here)

"You're not scary"

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