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"Baby, I'm gonna wait for you in my room. Be fast! I hope you didn't forget about your promise" V said and went to his room. My eyes widened as I looked at Jennie finding her already staring back at me with a shocked face. "Oh No No! That's not gonna happen! Actually that's never gonna happen!" She said while panicking. "Do you really think that I will ever let that happen?" I asked sarcastically. "It's not that baby but.... What now?" She asked and kneeled in front of me while holding my hands.

"I don't know" I replied and held her hands tightly. "Hey, don't worry. I'll get you out of this mess somehow" She said sweetly and caressed my cheek. "Ok, let's think about how to get him away from you tonight without any problems" Jennie said and stood me up before sitting on the chair and pulling me on her lap. She held me securely and rested her chin on my shoulder. I also tried to think something but my mind was fuzzy and I couldn't think anything about that. "Oh yes! This will surely work!" Jennie said excitedly and kissed my cheek. "What's the plan?" I asked curiously and she smirked.

Time skip

I nervously stood outside V's room. I just hope our plan works. I prayed mentally and knocked at his door. He opened it quickly and gave me a smile. "Finally you are here! Now c'mon I can't wait anymore!" He said and pulled me inside his room. The lights were dim and there were candles all across the room giving a romantic vibe. I jumped in surprise when he hugged me from behind and planted a few kisses on my shoulder. I just wanted to push him away from me.

"You liked it?" He whispered in my ear and nibbled my earlobe. I quickly got out of his grasp and said. "Y-Yeah, it's s-so romantic" I said awkwardly. He came to me and pushed me on his bed before hovering over me. It's the time Y/n, do it! I mentally encouraged myself and started groaning and whimpering. "What is it baby?" He asked worriedly. "I-I think I-I'm getting s-sick!" I said and grabbed my stomach and acted like it's hurting. "But you're not feverish" He said after placing the back of his hand on my forehead. "I-I'm not y-yet but I-I think I w-will be s-soon!" I said and groaned loudly.

He got up from me and sat on the bed looking less worried and more disappointed. He only wants my body! I thought. "I-I'm sorry V." I said acting guilty. "It's alright" He said disappointedly. "I-I want t-to puke! I-I'm going b-back to m-my room. D-Don't worry a-about me and r-rest!" I said and got up from the bed. He was about to protest but I assured him that it's fine and I really don't need his fake concern.

I opened the door and groaned for the very last time before closing it. I jumped in joy and ran to my room while laughing. I closed the door and locked it because Jennie was already inside. She got up from the bed and I gave her a big bear hug. "I told you that this will work!" She said confidently and chuckled. "Yes, Jennie! You missed the look of disappointment on his face. It was like he was more concerned about the night that is ruined than my health!" I said and broke the hug. "Well, serves him right!" Jennie said and kissed my cheek.

"You missed!" I said and puckered my lips. She chuckled and kissed my lips softly. I immediately wrapped my arms around her neck and she pulled me closer. She tapped on my thigh, wordlessly telling me to jump and I did. I wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed her passionately. So lost in her kisses that I didn't realize that she was walking towards my bed until my back hits the soft mattress. My hands got lost in her hair. She moved her hands on my body and I whimpered as she bit my lower lip.

I opened my mouth and she shoved her tongue inside. Our tongues danced in sync and I moaned as she sucked my tongue. She slid her hand inside my shirt and lifted it up but I broke the kiss. She pouted when I held her hand from inside my shirt and intertwined it. "Jen, I don't want V to listen to my moans. At least not yet" I whispered and caressed her cheek with my free hand. "Baby, he'll not listen if you'll stay quiet" Jennie said and whined when I shook my head. "That's an impossible thing for me to do when you are the one pleasuring me. I can't stop myself from moaning when your touch is so good" I said sincerely and she rolled her eyes before laying beside me.

"Fine! But let's just end it as soon as possible because I want to tell everyone that you are my girlfriend and my everything. I want to tell them that you belongs to me"

My Brother's Girlfriend G!p Jennie X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now