𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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       𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 out that the head chef name is Tena. She allow Jaylynn to work all day but never agreed to allow her to work there. Jaylynn was happy when Tena handed her a pack of cigarettes like she asked for and Tena was even kind enough to give her a camera, she said Jaylynn looked like the type to take pictures. 

 Jaylynn promised she'd come help the next day but Tena waved her off saying she didn't need the help and that she should focus on impressing Negan, but to Jaylynn this was her way to impress the big boss. 

Again Jaylynn found herself standing outside, watching the lackey's work the fence, a cloud of gray smoke leaving her mouth and nose. 

"So you're the recruit that's ruffled Dwighty boy's features" Jaylynn looks over to see the blonde that she ran into the other day, the one with the mustached man. 

"So he talks about me." Jaylynn remark's, inhaling more of the thick gray smoke. She couldn't help but smirk at her own remark, of course Dwight talks about her, I mean who wouldn't, she's amazing. 

"You could say he doesn't really like you." The blonde remark's, Jaylynn rolls her eyes at her words.

"Well, I don't really like scar-face either."

"Dwight's a bit of a buzz kill," She pauses, pushing herself off the contrite wall. "I'm Laura." She holds out her hand, which Jaylynn gladly takes. 

"Jaylynn." There was a moment of silence as the two study each other, "So you work with Dwight then?" 

"Not really, Dwighty is the bosses right hand man, along with Simon, Gavin, and Regina. I just work for Simon." Laura explains, Jaylynn nods at the information. "Come on let's go get a drink, I'll introduce you to some of my friends." 

"Of course there's a bar here."

"We have more than just a simple bar." 

Walking into the bar, Jaylynn's eyes danced around the room, taking in everything

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Walking into the bar, Jaylynn's eyes danced around the room, taking in everything. Laura mentioned it wasn't just a bar, but Jaylynn didn't think they'd have a whole damn fighting ring in here. 

"Everyone this is Jaylynn." Laura turns to Jay, a bright smile dancing on her lips. "Jaylynn this is everyone." She looks around at everyone, her eyes landing on the Simon who's standing next to a redhead. Dwight was at the other end of the bar drinking. Next to the red head was a smaller girl, her hair was brown with a blonde highlight in the front. 

"Damn new girl, been here what? 2 days and you're already being introduced into the inner circle." The smaller chick remark's. "I'm Arat." Jaylynn studies the girl, Arat doing the same thing, both of there faces stone cold. 

"Dwight was right, she looks like she just walked out of Beverly Hills." The Red head remark's. 

"I believe Dwight's the reason why god created a middle finger." Jaylynn couldn't stop the words from pouring out of her mouth, Dwight sends her a glare, Simon turns towards Dwight a deep chuckle leaving his lips.  

"I like you already, I'm Paula." Jaylynn smiled at her, her eyes dancing to the man behind her, his arm wrapped around her waist from behind. 

"I'm Donnie." The man says. 

"You know me." Simon remark's, one hand on his hip the other holding a dark brown bottle out for Jaylynn to take. She takes a drink of the beer, almost moaning at the substance burning the back of her throat. 

"Guessing it's been a while since you've had a beer." Paula remark's, Jaylynn nods, licking her bottom lip.

"I can't remember the last time I had a beer, a cold one for that matter." She remark's, turning towards the fighting rink which had no one in it. "Does anyone actually fight?" Jay questions turning back towards the group. 

"Daily, it's a great way to either win or lose points." Laura answer's, taking a swig of her own beer.

"Who usually win's?" Before any of them could answer, Jaylynn puts up her hand. "Wait let me guess.." Jaylynn placed her finger on her thin, acting like she was actually thinking. "Arat." Jaylynn says confidently. 

"How'd you know?" Arat asks, which causes Jay to smirk.

"Cause it looks like you could kill someone with just your stare. You're fuckin' scary."  Jaylynn remark's causing the group to laugh at her again. "Wanna fight?" Jaylynn asks confidently, only causing the group to go silent, waiting for Arat's response.

"I don't know, if you can barely handle my stare, you'll fuckin' loss it over my fists." Arat remark's, before taking a swig of her beer. Jaylynn shrugs, setting the brown bottle on the counter. 

"Looks like we'll just have to find out, won't we?" In truth, the only reason why Jaylynn wants to fight is because she wants to really see what these people are made of. If Arat really is the best fighter among there inner circle, it really says a lot, especially if Jay win's. Not to mention, if she does win, it makes them respect her, maybe they'll even talk to their boss about her. Make her sound like a god like they do him. 

"Shit, bitch, you're about to die." Laura whispers over at Jaylynn. Jay glances over at Laura, a fiery look in her eyes, she didn't need to respond to Laura, Jaylynn didn't know if she'd win or not, but her had high hopes for herself. Both Arat and Jay jump into the rink, and start circling each other, waiting for Simon to tell them win. 

Jaylynn watches closely, watching Arat's feet, her hands, the way she circled around her like Jaylynn was her prey. She looked for weaknesses. But Arat was good at hiding them, but it didn't take long for Jay to see that Arat puts more weight on her right leg rather than her left, maybe a past wound, or she just favored her right over left. 


Arat ran at Jay with all her might, trying to take her down in seconds, but Jaylynn quickly moved, making Arat hit the ropes. Jay bent down, swiping her leg under Arat's left leg making her fall to the ground, this gave Jay the opportunity to straddle Arat and punch her multiple times in the face. Jaylynn's fist became red with both her blood and Arat's. She held her fist back, not wanting to hurt the girl too badly, but Arat took that as a sign of weakness and quickly sat up, head butting Jay in the face. 

"Goddamn, is your head made of fuckin' steel?" Jaylynn groans as she pulls herself off the ground, shaking her head trying to get the black spots to leave her vision. Again, Arat took this opportunity and started to repeatably punching Jay in the gut and in the side, even went for her face, causing Jay to tumble over in pain. Arat backed off, giving Jaylynn a minute to stand back up straight. 

Jay stood up straight, her eyes never leaving Arat as she spit out some blood. The smaller girl again ran at Jaylynn, ready to fight again, but Jay had other plan's, she quickly caught Arat's fist with her left hand before punching her hard with the left right in the face. Arat feel back onto the ground, groaning in pain. 

"Alright, we have a new champion." Arat groans from the ground, holding her stomach. Jaylynn walks over to her, holding out her hand. 

"You have one hell of a punch girl." Jaylynn praised as Arat took her hand. 

"Remind me to never get on your bad side." Arat says as Jaylynn helped her out of the ring. 

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 | 𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 On holdWhere stories live. Discover now