A Soul Left Behind

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Sheridan sighed as she arrived at her office, but a soft smile graced her face. 

"I think things are finally looking—oh, Officer Nanu!" Sheridan stopped mid-sentence at the sight. "Oh my, what happened to you?" 

The former International Police officer was sitting with Arthur. He looked like someone had beat him up. 

"Tapu Bulu wasn't too happy to return to an island half-covered in snow and ice. Someone had to be a scapegoat in Morai's place. It probably would've killed her had she still been around."

"Oh, Nanu, I'm so sorry," Sheridan gasped. 

"Don't worry about it," the man sighed, leaning back in his chair even further. "It's nothing I haven't endured before. Hell, it makes it look like I've worked harder than I have!"

"You were saying?" Arthur said, gesturing to his wife. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand, as did Nanu. 

"Oh, right." Sheridan cleared her throat. "I think Morai may be on the up-and-up. Nothing too big, but she's not as...troublesome...as she was before."

"Oh, you finally broke her!" Arthur exclaimed, taking his feet off the table and clapping his hands together, the liquid in his glass threatening to escape from the impact. 

"Well, I guess you could say that," Sheridan said, her mouth turning down in a frown. "That's a rather...intense way of saying it."

"The punishment should match the crime, eh Nanu? I should make her face match yours...maybe make her eye match mine while I'm at it." Arthur subconsciously traced his finger over the scar that went through his eyebrow and over his eye. It hadn't rendered him completely blind in that eye, but things were much less clear.

"Well, she is serving her time," Sheridan said. She went to sit behind her desk, quickly sorting a few things before resting her hands on it. "And this time around she's definitely not enjoying it."

"Will you tell me why I'm here?" Nanu finally said, stifling a yawn. "You've got a nice place and all, but I want to go home. I put Guzma in charge of my cats, but he's struggling to keep his own followers in line nowadays."

"Right, well, to cut to the chase, there's a—"

"There's a mole in our midst!" Arthur excitedly interjected, slamming his glass down onto the coffee table. This time his drink splashed onto the table. Sheridan shot him a look. 

"You were in the area when Team Rocket attacked. Did you see anything we didn't?" the warden continued.

"They kept me busy at the side of the mountain base where I was stationed," Nanu said, setting his own glass down more gently. "I saw pieces of what was happening everywhere else, but they just wouldn't stop coming. Until the avalanche, that is. Once everyone was evacuated, I had to find cover. I hate to say it because I had a lot of respect for her, but that kid has lost her mind."

"I'll drink to that," Arthur laughed in his heavy Galarian accent, evidently having taken a few too many drinks already. 

"I see," Sheridan sighed. 

"You brought me all the way out here for that?" Nanu asked. "I thought you had a ban on anyone coming or going."

"Well, no," the warden replied. "The International Police wanted to extend a hand in getting everything back under control. We tried to reach out—"

"I don't need your help, but thanks," the man said, groaning as he rose from the couch. 

"Nanu, you have a past with Interpol and a past with Morai," Sheridan said, getting up to follow him out the door. "I know you didn't leave on the best of terms with some of its members and such events precede my time here, but you did a lot for the organization and a lot for Morai, for that matter. It's her fault, but it's our fault for not keeping her in check. Interpol or not, I feel I owe it to you."

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