Chapter 11

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Noodles or Death 1.1

A boy laying on a bed in the middle of the night in a dark room with a distressed and fearful expression. The teenager was squirming and shaking, and sweat dripped down his face.

His head was filled with voices as the bed creaked with every movement he made. "Kid!... Destiny will come... Stop!... I will wipe out everything that you are from this world!... Leo!...Tang, go!... History repeats itself... You can't get away!!!!!!"

With a gasp, Leo sat up, his blurry eyes terrified and unfocused. He put his palm over his mouth and screamed quietly inside. His other hand is firmly holding his shirt above his heart.

He inhaled deeply, then exhaled after a few seconds and repeated. Leo managed to calm himself, tears streaming down his cheeks. He quickly wiped the off.

These voices and nightmares had kept him up for several days; luckily, Macaque said he takes break from their training sessions when he spotted the bags under his eyes. But the voices and nightmares persisted.

His friends were so concerned about his condition in the mornings that Pigsy allowed him sleep during work hours.

"Leo?" A tired voice came from the entrance of his room. Leo looks up and made eye contact with Mk, the other started checking on him daily in the night because he was worried for him.

"Sorry... did I wake you?" Leo ask quietly, Mk shakes his head and walked in the room. "No, I'm just checking on you. Nightmares?" Mk sit on Leo's bed, Leo nods.

Mk frowns, "Do you want cuddles?" He asked the shadow boy softly. When they were young they always used to cuddle and sleep together, It always helps Leo when he gets nightmares.

Leo meekly looked away, a shy smile on his face. Without too much hesitation he pulled Mk close to him.

Mk laughs quietly as he rapped his arms around Leo chest, Leo rapped his arms around Mk becoming the big spoon while the other the smaller spoon.

Leo was still tense, afraid that the things keeping him awake would come back. Mk hums a familiar tune that made Leo instantly relax, the tune only Mk knew.

Leo's breathing even out, he nuzzled his face in MK's hair. Both boys slept peacefully for the whole night.

The universe wonders if this friendship will last...
In the morning Pigsy and Tang invited Leo to come with them to the market place, Leo agreed to come along since he had nothing more to do anyways.

"Ho ho! Now this is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!" Pigsy says with a carrot in his hand.

Tang takes the carrot from Pigsy and examines it, "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at!" Leo nodded beside Tang also scanning the carrot.

"Yeah, why don't we just buy those too? They're practically the same." Leo says with a yawn, he really needs more sleep after this.

Pigsy takes back the carrot from the two, "Give me that! I wouldn't expect you two to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You guys ain't no culinary geniuses," he laughs as he continues, "like me!"

Leo rolls his eyes while Tang gave a blank stare. A chuckle is heard from one of the stores, they all look over to the source. "My, my, my! You boys are making quite a scene. Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place." She then proceeds to blow a kiss.

Leo looks away with a fake gag, "Uh...oh! Come on, Pigsy, Leo, let's just keep going. Huh!?" Tang turns his head to where Pigsy used to be and only found him in front of the flirty lady's store.

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