Chapter 7

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The two teens drove towards DBK, "The little thieves returned." He tries to blast the teens, with them dodging the shots. Mk drives onto the cannon, he then uses his Golden Eyes of Truth.

Mk looks around the golden world, everything was frozen in time. "Your eyes are gold again." Mk looked back at Leo, "Yours are purple!"

"They are?" Leo asked shocked and confused, he then saw a shadowy outline of the golden staff. "Mk look!" Leo pointed at the center of DBKs armor.

Mk looks to where Leo pointed and sees the staff, "The staff!"

Their eyes went back to normal as everything started to move again. A giant hand went to crush them but instead they flew into the whole of DBKs armor.

"Ahhh!" Leo pulled Mk close to him as they plummeted down.

A blast of power broke the earths crust and pieces of it was thrown everywhere, Sandy ran over to cover the others.

DBK laughs victoriously, "Now this world is truly mine!" He walks off and stood in front of the broken city of megapolis. He then started to power up, but he was stopped when a sudden pulse ran through him.

He then stumbles back feeling the loss of his power. "What is this?" He asked in confusion.

A stone came out of the hole in DBKs armor, it fell and rolled to the ground. Surrounding the stone were shadows, protecting the stone from anything that wanted to harm it.

The stone started to glow gold and shoot up to the sky, it revealed to be Mk, he shined like the sun as he took out the golden staff and held on to it tightly. "Monkey King?"

DBK started in disbelief as a flash of memory ran through his mind. Shadow Tendrils suddenly shot from the ground, it rapped around DBKs limbs and held him down so he couldn't move to attack.

The Demon looked to the side and saw a shadow like figure. "Six Eared Macaque!" The shadow only gave a smile as it revealed itself to be, Leo.

Mk disappeared and reappeared in front of DBK and punched him, the shadows lets go of the bull as he blasted off. The Demon Bull King attempts to blast MK.

Mk dodges every attack, laughing as he did so. "Missed me! Nope! Over here!"

"Wohoo! That's my favorite boy right there, Go MK!!!" Leo cheered from the distance, Mk flushed but smiled at Leo's supportive cheer.

Mk pointed the staff at DBK and extended it, it hits DBK dead on. The staff returned to its normal size in MK's hand, DBK lays in a crater groaning.

Mk uses the staff to cut a building close to him in half. He pierces the staff on the top half of the building and lifted it up, "No!"MK then tries to push the building down on him.

"Not again! Enough!" DBK screamed, creating a blast.

Leo gasp, he quickly teleported himself to Mk using his shadow and put a barrier around both of them. It shatters when DBK  punches his fist through, Leo rapped himself around MK as a shield and took the hit. 

They crashed into a building, injuring them. Mk took less damage since he wasn't directly hit from DBKs attack.

Mk groans as his ears rang, he looked beside. "Leo!" He painfully went to Leo's side who lay against the wall.

"You thought you could stand against me. I am the Demon Bull King I will not let a little thief take victory from my grasp!" DBK said his voice booming with authority.

Mk ignores DBK as he grasp Leo's hand, "Leo, Can you hear me?" He asked worriedly, the other only let out painful groans and whimpers. "It's gonna be ok, I'll fix this..."

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