Chapter 23

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Leo has had a very eventful month this year. First, the dumpling disaster. Second, Pigsy became a ping pong maniac. Third, the chaotic competition.

Now he's here in Spider Queens lair looking for his missing half. Walking in a tunnel he hears voices, Leo quickly sped up his pace. "Mk!" The dark user calls, relief washing over him as he sees the brunette male unharmed.

Mk turns around with eyes of recognition, "Leo!" He ran to the dark  haired teen and hugged him. They hugged each other tightly before pulling away, Leo holds his face eyes filled with love for him. Mk melts in the others touch, letting Leo caress his cheeks with feathery touches.

Someone clears their throat, the teens loving moment had been cut short. Leo withdraws his hand from MK's face and turns to the extra person, a little girl. The shadow users eyes scanned the girl with slight familiarity, before he could search through his memories to remember if he met her before a burst of pain made him wince and hold his head.

"Are you ok, Leo?" Mk asked in worry, Leo nods his head slowly. "So, uhm, who is she?" Leo questions avoiding eye contact with the girl, she felt strange to him.

"Oh! She's trying to show me something, Spider queen is planning something big and she's willing to lead me there. Wanna come?" Leo contemplated, he doesn't wanna leave Mk alone with a stranger. Mk trusts people to easily, his biggest  weaknesses that Leo loved but wanted gone.

Leo nods his head, the girls continues to lead the way as he and Mk follows her. They were led to a transparent robot, bellow it was something familiar.

Before Mk could destroy it, he stopped with a look of disturbed. "Wait, is this... this is the trigram furnace, from the celestial realm! How is this-!"

The little girl tries to convince Mk to destroy the furnace, Leo looks at them in confusion. He sees Mk use his golden vision, "Mk?" He slowly goes to this other half concerned.

Mk turns around to them, "Leo, get away from her!" He shouts running to the dark user. Leo stood frozen as a magic circle appeared below him, chains burst from the surface of the circle rapping themselves around Leo. "I am the Lady Bone Demon..." The dark user could hear shouts and screams around him as his mind slowly goes blank.

"Why would you... your-" Mk stops in his tracks as Leo looks at him blankly with blue pupiless eyes. "A little girl? Yes, this disguise fooled many. Quite useful is it not?" The chains slowly became transparent as the dark user stood beside the girl with stiff movements.

Mk narrows his eyes, "What did you do to Leo?!" The Bone demon giggles sadistically, "I simply took back what I rightfully created a long time ago~" Mk looks at her in confusion but took a step back as Leo moved forward. The brunette blink once and saw Leo disappear, Mk looks around feeling his body run cold in panic.

A hand lashed out of a shadow portal making Mk cry out in surprise, the hand raps itself tightly around his neck. Mk chokes as his air supply had been blocked out, Mk holds the hands wrist struggling to breathe. "L-Leo, snap o-ut of it!" Mk managed to choke out. Tears springing out of his eyes as he made contact with blue ones.

The eyes flickered purple pupils dilated, struggling to take over. Lady Bone Demon frowns in displeasure, she guessed she still has to work on her shadow. Leo throws Mk a few meters away from him, his body shaking and out of control.

"M-Mk... run!-" His eyes went back to the cold blue one, he dashed forward to Mk fist pulled back, ready to punch the other through a wall. But Spider Queen intervened, "Monkey Kid! Enough wait. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this!" The spider launches herself at Mk but he transformed into a small version of himself.

Leo stood his ground in front of Lady Bone demon, shadow tendrils shot from the shadows, binding Spider Queen in mid-air. The spider demon looks at the shadow user is shock, "What-" before she could say a word Leo appears in front of her and punched her to a wall, shaking the entire cave.

Mk runs away, escaping from them all. Before he did escape he made eye contact with Leo, a look of hurt in his eyes as he went through a a tiny cracked hole and escaped.

Leo keep Spider queen in her place as his eyes focused to where Mk escaped, "My dear child, we have much to do." Her sweet innocent voice made Leo turn the the Bone demon, he bows in one knee in front of her with utmost loyalty.

The spider Queen looks at them in disbelief, shivering as she sees Leo's pupiless blue eyes looking at her blankly. The shadow hero has been achieved by the Lady Bone Demon, destiny is almost complete.

Back with the Monkie Kid gang. They all felt dread come over them as Mk explained everything to them. Leo had turned to the Bone demons side, like a puppet in chained strings. They must be ready for what comes next, although feeling fear, they did not want to fight Leo who they engraved into their souls as a family.

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