Woman's Faith

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POV Marinette:

I was in my office, after the weird walk to the hospital, only Adrien was talking and I couldn't hear any anything because everything I remember is that wet dream

I went to my office, and wore my white blouse then I had a seat, twirling in my chair and thinking about that dream.

It's just a wet dream, so I should forget about it, a dream like others

Adrien: I have been calling you for two minutes Marinette

I lift my head as I found Adrien in his surgeon outfit, ready for a surgery sitting on the edge of my desk

Marinette: I'm sorry, I didn't sleep really well

Adrien: I think something else. If you are thinking about Emma, then don't think a lot, it's just about the right time Mari

Marinette: what if I will never have her?

I said as I looked down but Adrien flicked my forehead, it hurt so much and I had to rub my forehead

Marinette: ayyyy that hurt

The blond just stand in front of me, resting one of his hands on my armrest as he lifts my chin between his fingers, and he bent his head to look into each other's eyes

Adrien: stay always positive and stop saying shit, you will have baby Emma one day and you and your husband will be the happiest couple. You will be the best mom in the world

Marinette: y-yes

Kagami: hey Mari, do you ...... damn, lock the door bitches

It was Kagami barging as always in my office without knocking. Adrien stepped back and adjusted his surgeon outfit before walking past Kagami

Adrien: I was leaving after all, I have a surgery but our friend is full of negativity, she said that she won't have Emma. Talk to her please Kagami

Marinette: rude

Kagami: yeah, don't worry, I know how to do that.

When Adrien left, Kagami gets in and walked to my desk, staring at me with a raised eyebrow

Marinette: what?

Kagami: let's go to the cafeteria, because that shit that Adrien said, I'm sure that it's a shitty song you sang for Agreste just to hide a real cause. I'm a girl and I do that. drag your ass and let's go

I sighed and I nodded. We went to the cafeteria and we had our usual table and ordered two iced coffees

Kagami: I'm waiting, what's wrong?

I took a deep breath then I told Kagami everything, absolutely everything, from that old lady that I helped that day, to my wet dream with Adrien because she is my best friend.

POV Kagami:

After what I heard from Marinette, I had a thousand thoughts, and I know if I open my mouth and say the truth, then I may fuck up her relationship with Luka and let her doubt in everything, and I really don't want to put her marriage in shit

I didn't say anything, I was just twirling my straw and staring at my iced coffee

Marinette: say something

Kagami: are you happy with Luka?

Marinette: yes, I'm so happy with him, we just need a baby

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