Me & You Against The World

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POV Marinette:

I was broken, my heart dropped to my stomach and I can't stand on my legs at all the way that I had to sit and look at my husband holding my best friend in his arms

Marinette: f-for how long this is going?

Lila: tell her baby

Luka: four months

Marinette: b-but I'm having a special treatment t-to have Emma ... our little Emma

Luka: come on you little bitch, I don't need you anymore, Lila is already pregnant and I'll be father finally. You can go fuck yourself, I won't wait for a pathetic infertile whore to make me a father. now leave my house

Marinette: y-your house? Luka, my dear husband, I'm your wife... you ...

Luka: shut up

My husband yelled at me and went to his office in the house, then he brought a paper with him and gave it to me

Luka: I was waiting for so long to give you this divorce paper, so just sign here, I already signed and then leave

Marinette: L-Luka, what about our v-vows? Did you f-forget that we will be f-forever?

Luka: it was bullshit, but I need a woman who can take care of my needs and give me a little baby like Lila. It never has been you

Marinette: b-but where will I go?

Lila: to hell, just sign it bitch and get all your stuff and clothes from my house

My tears were waterfalls, streaming down my eyes with no stop. I was devastated. I took a deep breath, and looked at Lila, my best friend

Marinette: I t-trusted you and let you into m-my house Lila, j-just to take my h-husband from me?

Lila: fuck you bitch, now it's my house and he will be my husband soon. I don't care about you, I just care about me, my baby and my baby daddy

Marinette: but ... but I helped you to build this house Luka. I have nowhere to go, please

Luka: I don't fucking care. Get your items and leave now. if you meet a man after me, tell him the reason I left you for, tell him that you are a pathetic infertile that can't get a baby in her womb.

Lila: Luka my baby, no one will accept to marry this bitch, she will be alone forever, no one ... will look at you even with the sexy and attractive body she has if they know she is infertile

Luka: how could you feel you are a gynecologist and you can't give birth for a single baby

I have absolutely no where to go, I don't want to lose my family. I fell on my knees in front of Luka pleading him

Marinette: L-Luka, dear please g-give me just a chance... all I need is a chance

My husband doesn't care, he just slapped the shit out of my cheek once I stand up

Luka: go get all your fucking clothes. You have just two hours, I'm going out with my future wife. when I'm here I want that paper signed

I saw my husband and best friend leaving and holding arms. I gathered my broken self and went upstairs to pack all my clothes, make up, and everything belong to me

It takes me two hours and some minutes. When I was getting my suitcases down, I saw the divorce paper and with a heavy heart, I signed it

When I was getting my suitcases out, Luka just get in with Lila and glared at me

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