My Daughter

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"Two months later"

POV Adrien:

It has been two months since Marinette had her third IVF. I called her to join me in my office for a cup of coffee

Marinette is that kind of coworker, barging into my office without noticing.

Marinette: I'm here bitch

Adrien: take a seat

The bluenette take a seat and I stand up to the coffee machine in my office. I gave her a coffee and got my cup and had a seat in my chair

Marinette: mhmmm I love hot coffees

Adrien: I see, I see. So how are you feeling now? it has been two months

Marinette: ill check later, I have a pregnancy test in my drawer

Adrien: what if you get a baby boy not a girl?

Marinette: boy or girl doesn't matter, all what I want is a baby, that's all.

Adrien: but be honest, what you want the most?

Marinette: awwww Emma as always, I always dream of myself holding a baby of one day and named her Emma

Adrien: hhhhhhh Emma will make you crazy

Marinette: she is worth everything Adrien, trust me

We were talking till we heard knocks, I allowed who is out to come in, it was one of the nurses

Nurse: Mr. Agreste, can I get two minutes of your time?

I nodded and the nurse walked toward my desk, and she gave me a file. I get it and I opened it, it was a patient's file

Adrien: what about it?

Nurse: doctor Kurtzberg, the pulmonologist in the second floor asked me to give you this file and check if this patient has a normal heart or delated. He noted everything and also added all X-ray he made himself. He wants you to write a report about the heart conditions he has

Adrien: when he needs it?

Marinette: if possible, now, he told me that he will call you

Adrien: ok, come back in ten minutes

POV Marinette:

Poor Adrien, sometimes he doesn't find time for himself, and whenever he rests, they give him work

When the nurse left, Adrien sighed and opened the file to check it

Adrien: I'm sorry princess, ill just check this and be back to you, ok?

I nodded and let Adrien focus on his work. I rested my elbow on his desk and laid my cheek on my palm and closed my eyes for seconds to rest

I had finished the coffee, and I really needed another one. I went to Adrien's coffee machine to prepare another till I felt someone hugging me from behind

I didn't ask who, this scent come only from Adrien. I put my mug on the table and closed my eyes, enjoying his hands moving on my sides but then he rubbed my belly and he rested his chin on my shoulder

Adrien: I can't wait to hold my daughter

Marinette: you mean our daughter, we made her together Adrien

Adrien: yes, our daughter

The blond turned me around and knelt in front of me, he rubbed my belly, and pressed a kiss

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