Day Out pt2

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POV Marinette:

Minutes later, Adrien brought us our drinks, it was cold and refreshing and that's what I needed then we left with our drinks. We decided to walk to the amusement park

 We decided to walk to the amusement park

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#Their Drinks

Marinette: that's what I needed

Adrien: same here

Marinette: so, tell me, how long you didn't have sex?

Adrien: I think it has been a while, I was busy with work the past weeks, and I was really overwhelmed since the other cardiologist got vacations. I spent some night shifts too. I may go to the bar in weekend and find someone sexy

Marinette: you are something else. We are finally here

Adrien went to pay then we went together inside. It was really big that we didn't know where to go first

Marinette: what about the haunted house?

Adrien: are you sure?

Marinette: awwww don't tell me that the kitten is afraid?

Adrien: I wasn't afraid from opening someone's chest and look at his heart pumping and want me to get afraid from imaginary shit. let's get in

I chuckled and we both went inside together. It wasn't that scary, and Adrien was walking without nothing fearing him. I admit that some things were terrifying me but I was stronger than that

I got the fear of my life when a skeleton's hand landed on my chest. I screamed my lungs out and wrapped my arms around Adrien as I buried my face in his chest. I was shaking from fear and tears

Adrien wrapped his arms around me and patted on my head to calm me

Adrien: hey, don't worry, it's not real

Marinette: I'm a-afraid

Adrien: I'm here with you, don't be afraid

He said as he picked me bridal style and walked to leave this place meanwhile, I had my face in his chest, I don't want to see anything

He then put me down and chuckled. I pouted and looked away, because he is making fun of me

Marinette: don't talk to me again

Adrien: huh ok fine, I'm leaving

When he was leaving, I run toward him and grabbed his wrist. When he stopped walking, I stand in front of him with my hands on my hips

Marinette: how dare you?

Adrien: but you said that I don't have to talk to you

Marinette: beg for my pardon

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