Unexpected Date

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POV Adrien:

It's like I was waiting all my life to kiss Marinette .... My best friend on her pink lips

I still can't believe that we are sharing a kiss, in the cabin of the ferris wheel, in the sunset

We didn't pull away, but we deepen the kiss. my hands are cupping her freckled cheeks, and her hands are around my neck

We were kissing like a real couple, with passion. I never kissed a woman like this before, this is my first time that I grab into my girl just to kiss her more

I don't want this kiss to end

Sadly, for everything an end. We pulled apart and we ended this kiss between us. no one of us say a work, we just look to each other with a blush on our cheeks

The cabin reached the ground, the tour is over and it's time to leave. it's already night

I couldn't say a word, I don't know even what to say. I just grabbed Marinette's hand and walked together to leave

While walking home, I don't know what happened to me, but I let Marinette hand. She lifts her head and looked at me with a sad face but all my attention was holding her from her waist and pulling her closer to me

Marinette rested her head on my chest and we walked together like that till we reached our house

I closed the door and we both went upstairs together. we changed our clothes then each one gained his own room

I just hope I didn't fucked up our friendship

It was really late, but I couldn't sleep at all. all what I think about are Marinette's lips laid on mine. the kisses we shared in the ferris wheel. Her scent and mine that made just one

I'm going crazy, I can't sleep, I can't think of something else

I sit up and sighed, I took a deep breath then I went to Marinette's room. I didn't know why I'm in front of her door

When I was about to knock, Marinette left her room wearing a red short robe.

Marinette: A-Adrien?

She just said my name and a blush covered her freckled cheeks. It's night but the moonlights are lightening the hallway

Adrien: I couldn't sleep. why are you awake?

Marinette: I couldn't sleep too

Adrien: Marinette

Marinette: Adrien, sleep with me

Without hesitation, I nodded and held her hand to go to my room, but she stopped me just to go back to her room

I didn't understand why she didn't that at first but then I see her get Emma's onesie. She holds my hand then we walked together to my bedroom

We laid together on the bed, each one on his own side, but we were facing each other

The blanket was covering us, and Marinette was hugging Emma's onesie tightly till I parted my arms

Without we say anything, Marinette understand and crawled toward me to cuddle with her

I circled her body with my arms, and Emma's onesie was just between our bodies

She laid her head on my chest. She nuzzled into my chest, and after a minute, I heard her cute low snores.

Adrien: good night my angel

I kissed her forehead then I finally fell asleep because in some hours, we both work and I don't want that we look like zombies

It was time to wake up, I opened my eyes because Marinette was shaking me. hearing her angelic voice and find her staring at me with her crystal eyes in the morning is a good way to start a new day

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