His Proposition

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None POV:

No one of the three friends could believe what just happened they didn't know that she will accept

When Nathaniel left, the four friends look to each other till Nino broke the silence

Nino: you accepted to go out on date with Nathaniel?

Marinette: y-yes

Adrien: I'm going to work

The bluenette was looking at Adrien leaving. She doesn't know why she feels bad but she thought of giving a chance to Nathaniel

Nino: ok then, I'm going to work too

He also left, leaving Kagami and Marinette alone. Kagami was raising an eyebrow to Marinette

Kagami: go to your office now, I'm following you

She nodded and they both went to Marinette's office. the bluenette wore her white blouse and had a seat

Kagami: what's going on Marinette? five minutes ago you were holding Adrien's hand and then, you accept Nathaniel's invitation

Marinette: K-Kagami ......

Kagami: what's happening Marinette?

Marinette: A-Adrien and I shared a kiss

Kagami: on his cheek, right?

Marinette: n-no, on his lips

Kagami: wooooooooo wait. You kissed Adrien's lips...... you both kissed like kissed or just a peck?

Marinette: we kissed. I was sitting on his lap and .... I leaned down to kiss him

Kagami: let me guess, you accepted this date just to know about your feelings, right?

Marinette: h-how you know?

Kagami: I know from the beginning that you and Adrien will have something

Marinette: I'm afraid to ruin my beautiful friendship with him

Kagami: you both aren't friends anymore Marinette. you kissed so I'm sure that there is something going to change

Marinette: Kagami, I'm afraid

Kagami: I can't help you Marinette. only you can help yourself and know what you want. Go to this date but do what your heart says and after your date, call me, doesn't matter the time ok?

Marinette nodded then they both goes to their works. In the other hand, Adrien went to Chloe's room, he found her laying flat on her back, feeling so week

Adrien: miss bourgeois?

Chloe turned her head to find Adrien standing beside her bed. she looks him up and down, this man is a heart disease itself. He is so charming and handsome

Chloe: yes

Adrien: my name is Adrien Agreste. I'm the doctor who will take care of you and will make the surgery for you in two days. are you ready?

Chloe: I'm ready, I want to live

Adrien: you will, don't worry. I have a meeting right now; I'll discuss with my team about everything concerning your surgery

Chloe: thank you

Adrien: are you nervous?

Chloe: not at all doctor

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